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Why is nutrition important? | Wonderful Tips about Nutrition

why nutrition is important, why is proper nutrition important, why is nutrition important to health, why is nutrition important to our daily lives,

Most people do not know about the importance of Nutrition in their healthy life, In fact, they just focus on their eating and physical activities. But in reality, good nutrition is very important for a healthy life. Nutrition is the food That our body can use.  Our body needs proper nutrition to work properly. Healthy nutrition throughout life promotes healthy growth and development and the aging process. So we can define it as “Nutrition is the process of eating good nutrients. And nutrients are the substances that we get through food which we need for growth and development. 

Nutrition acts as a fuel Which we need to enable the body to break down the food and then put this for repair and build the cells and tissues.  Nutrition consists of many nutrients like protein fat vitamin carbohydrate Minerals and fiber. So, It's very important to eat the proper nutrients for a healthy and sound life. Let's discuss it. 

Why is nutrition important?

Many questions may pop up in your mind like:

  • Why is good nutrition important?
  • What is proper nutrition?
  • What is the importance of nutrition in life?
  • Why we need proper nutrition?
  • why is a balanced diet important?

Why is good nutrition important?

Human-Like most other animals are heterotrophs. Heterotrophs eat other organisms for food. The food contains nutrients which are molecules that provide energy and material for growth. Nutrients include water, mineral, carbohydrate, fat, protein, and vitamins. Although these nutrients are available in the food we cannot always be certain that the food we eat will supply us with all the nutrients we need. That's where the science of Nutrition comes in. Nutrition provides the knowledge “ How our bodies obtain energy building use and control body function using material supplied in the food we eat.

So,  good nutrition is very important for our body. Nutrition which consists of Complete nutrients that are required to our body is very useful to our body. Good and healthy nutrition Promost most of your life activities. 

It also helps us to maintain our good and healthy immune system. Our immune system defends our body against different diseases, When we take poor nutrition we compromise our immune assessment system. A well-balanced nutritious diet consists of fruits, vegetables, low fats, And provides immunity against the disease

Do you know this proverb?

Your diet is your medicine

What is proper nutrition?

What is proper nutrition or what is meant by proper nutrition is another important question When we talk about nutrition.

Do you know our body relies on energy and energy comes from the food and drinks we consume daily? Food and drink are part of our nutrition. We Require food for basic energy needs. An averaged sized adult human needs about 1500 calories per day. So you need a proper diet for this 1500 calories. 

How can you be sure that you get all the nutrients you need? The answer is relatively simple. You should select a variety of food.

Research shows that proper nutrition contains the following nutrients.

  • Carbohydrate
  • Milk, Yoghurt, and Cheese 
  • Vegetables 
  • Water 
  • Minerals 
  • Grains 
  • Protein 
  • Dairy
  • Seafood
  • Dry beans and nuts

You do not need to eat all that stuff in a day. But you need to manage it with your diet plan. You can make your monthly or daily diet plan Which helps you in this regard.

According to the research of the University of Pennsylvania, you can use 2000 calories diet plan in this regard 

Read 2000 calories diet plan 

What are the benefits of good nutrition?

If you want to maintain your health and weight you need to get good nutrition. You need to make your diet plan. A balanced diet or a good nutritious diet Always helps you in maintaining your weight and Strengthen your body against the disease. 

Nutrition boosts our health in the following regards 

Preventing you from diseases:

Do you know poor nutrition Causes many chronic diseases like diabetes and heart diseases? If you have a preventive approach And basic knowledge about good nutrition. You can plan your diet Which can reduce the risk of developing different chronic diseases. You can reduce the risk of renal failure diabetes and heart disease by eating the proper diet. 

Ideal weight:

Good nutrition is another source of balancing weight, But unfortunately, We have associated weight loss with Less eating Or Poor eating. But if you want to gain ideal weight you need to maintain your diet. If you attain the necessary nutrients and Minerals you will lose weight And you will gain ideal weight. A person who is eating the proper and good nutrition he never gains with or disease like obesity. The first step in this regard you need to emit junk food and spicy products from your food.

Read More:  The quickest way to lose weight in 2 weeks

Delaying the Aging factor:

Delaying the Aging factor
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Effects of aging at an early age are the major signs of your improper diet. Certain foods like tomatoes and berries can reduce this effect and protect from it. Maintain your diet You will look like a young boy.

Mental growth:

Mental growth And Wellness are very important for everyone.  Right, and proper food can actually make you happier. Many nutrients like Iron and Omega 3 And protein-rich foods are helpful in mental well being and mental health issues. Healthy eating habits help you to get proper nutrition and maintain your health.

Living a longer life:

Do you know over-eating creates stress on our mind and body Which leads to a short lifespan? If you want to increase your lifespan you need to eat a proper and healthy diet. You need to remove stress on your body. When we eat a diet rich in nutrients and no processed food it lengthens the lifespan. Good nutrition aids your mood so, this is helpful in living for a long time.

Now the last question

Why a balanced diet is important? OR What is a balanced diet?

A proper diet that is helpful in maintaining all healthy activities is called a balanced diet. A balanced and proper diet contains all the necessary nutrients which are required For all the healthy activities. Your balanced diet must contain The following five groups

  • Milk yogurt cheese 
  • Bread cereal rice 
  • Fruits 
  • Vegetables 
  • Meat poultry fish dry beans 

If you are taking oil sugar in your diet, They should be used sparingly. All the typical American diet already includes food from all five groups, But many people don’t care to maintain a proper diet.

Many people obtain far too many calories from the meat and Milk food groups and too few calories from the vegetable and fruit food groups. Nutritionists suggest that an ideal diet would drive no more than 30% of its calories from fat reduction from the nearly 40% that is common today. The keyword here is balance increasing the amount of the fruit vegetable and Greens is your diet is a simple step that can result in better nutrition and health.

Points to be Ponder:

  1. Water is the simplest and essential nutrient for life.
  2. Minerals are important in organic substances that are needed By our body to do work properly.
  3. Carbohydrates sugar and starch are organic nutrients That are also required.
  4. Proteins are required for the growth and repair of your body.
  5. Vitamins are complex molecules but we need them in small amounts.


Proper nutrition plays an important role in our daily life. The food, liquids, and anything we eat affect our body and health because Every food or liquid contains specific nutrition that is necessary for our mental and physical growth. We need a particular nutrition from every substance. So we should bother what food we have to take, how much and why we are taking it.

Whenever we eat any food or nourishing liquids, our body digests them and absorbs the simple units but essential minerals, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins, converts into the simple unit and go into the bloodstream and Provides energy that helps our body to grow and keep it healthy.

If you want to prevent the disease And increase your immunity You need to focus on your nutrition and diet plan. It will help you live a better, healthy, and happy life.

Read More About Nutrition in this book:

Nutrition and Health: Importance of Nutrition in Oral and General Health


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LearningKiDunya: Why is nutrition important? | Wonderful Tips about Nutrition
Why is nutrition important? | Wonderful Tips about Nutrition
why nutrition is important, why is proper nutrition important, why is nutrition important to health, why is nutrition important to our daily lives,
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