--> What are the best breakfasts for weight loss? | LearningKiDunya | LearningKiDunya

What are the best breakfasts for weight loss? | LearningKiDunya

best breakfast for weight loss, best breakfast for weight loss, what to eat for breakfast when trying to lose weight breakfast recipes for weight lose

Eating a healthy breakfast for weight loss is one of the best ways to start your journey. Do you Know? According to the Cornell University Study “Those who never had struggled with their weight ate breakfast nearly daily”.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it the first and energetic meal of the day after 6-8 hours of sleep or nighttime. This is the breakfast that sets your tone for the rest of your day.

It is realty 78% of people who ate breakfast daily can lose weight and keep it.

When you start your day with healthy breakfast foods you maintain your energy level, your body doesn’t need to store any fat or water for maintaining your energy.

But! You need a healthy breakfast which should be balanced and consist of both carbohydrates and protein with extra fiber.

When we consume the wrong food for breakfast it amplifies our craving and difficult to lose weight. But with right food with write Calories you can lose easily.

Here are some best breakfast foods for weight loss:

1) Bananas

Bananas are the first thing sweet in taste with less sugar and an alternative to sugary breakfast. These are high in fiber.

A medium banana consists of 100 calories and 3 grams of dietary fiber.

Fiber helps you to feel fuller longer and slow the emptying of your stomach.

You can take resistant starch in unripe bananas. This resistant starch is not digestible in your small intestine.

If you are trying to take cheese, oatmeal, or yogurt with banana it’s very delicious and healthy.

Banana, Bananas are rich source of fiber and resistant starch, which may  help in less intake of food and fat.

What are the best breakfasts for weight loss? | LearningKiDunya

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2) Peanut Butter

When we list out top 10 foods for weight loss Nuts always present in this. Nuts promote weightloss. According to Harvard University nuts are weight loss agents.

Nuts, Nut butter, or peanut butter provides a good diet of fat, fiber, and protein, A tablespoon consist of 100 calories, 7 grams of protein, and 2 grams of fiber.


Peanut butter contains oleic acid which is a healthy monosaturated fat and also has a high amount of olive oil. Both are perfectly fine for weightloss.

One tablespoon of peanut butter contains 96 calories, 3.3g of protein, and 8 grams of carbs.

One or two tablespoon peanut butter you can eat daily but should consult your doctor for the best suggestion.

What are the best breakfasts for weight loss? | LearningKiDunya
Peanut Butter

3) Eggs

Many studies show that eggs have a major role in weight loss  because those people who ate eggs for breakfast felt fuller longer and lose weight than those who are taking the same calories from bagel. 

An egg consists of 6g protein and 70-80 calories of energy. Eggs play the role of a powerhouse in your breakfast. You can use White eggs without yolk but you are losing half of the protein.

Peoples who eat one whole egg daily are healthier than other according to the researcher.

65% more weight loss takes place in those who take an egg daily.

Eggs are the best source of protein and they reduce appetite and help in weight loss.

What are the best breakfasts for weight loss? | LearningKiDunya

4) Green Tea

Green tea is the most effective weight-loss tool in the world. It is a very cheap weight-loss weapon that works for everyone.

It requires no sweat or any stress, with the cost of some pennies you can get it. Green tea contains antioxidants concentrated in the leaves of the green tea plant. Antioxidants help reduce weight.

Catechins in the form of natural oxidants are helpful in preventing cell damage and reduce the formation of free radicals in the body.

Green tea is full of health promoting compounds with regular drinking green tea can help you lose weight and reduce the risk of several diseases like heart, cancer, and diabetes.

Best time for taking green tea is morning. You can swap your cup of coffee with green tea. This is the best way to start your day with fewer calories.

What are the best breakfasts for weight loss? | LearningKiDunya

5) Grapefruit

Can we lose our weight with grapefruit? It’s common to question among the new weight losing guys.

Its answer is “Yes”

Grapefruit is a great breakfast appetizer and the best fruit for fat loss. If you want to lose one pound in a week you need to eat half grapefruit before each meal.

Grapefruit consist of 90 percent water so it helps you intake less food, and reduce the quantity of insulin a fat-storing hormone.

Grapefruit is tropical citrus fruit. It is rich in nutrients and antioxidants with extra fiber. It is the healthiest fruit you can eat. Many studies show that it has many powerful health benefits like weight loss and reducing the risk of heart disease.

Grapefruit is a natural antioxidant that is the best weight loss agent and must be part of your breakfast.

What are the best breakfasts for weight loss? | LearningKiDunya


Whenever we talk about weight loss we need to focus on our diet plan, also need to maintain our 2000 calories need. We always search for what we need to eat at breakfast, at noon, and at dinner. But the best thing is you take fewer calories and eat less but healthiest. It will help you in reducing pounds. Many Fruits, vegetables, carbohydrates, and natural substances are helpful in this journey. Bananas, yogurt, peanut butter, Grapefruit, and Green tea are very helpful in reducing weight. Weight loss is not the quickest way but it is a definite way with continuous effort. You need to take small steps and make them habits these habits will lead you toward success.

The best breakfast for weight loss must consist of a Balanced diet that contains a normal range of carbohydrates, minerals, water, fiber, and less fat. It also fulfills the criteria of 2000 calories plan in a day.


Your diet is one of the basic things which help you in gaining or losing weight. If you want to loseweight in 2 weeks, you need to change habits, adopt an active lifestyle and also eat fresh vegetables, fruits, and basic 2000 calories in a day.


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LearningKiDunya: What are the best breakfasts for weight loss? | LearningKiDunya
What are the best breakfasts for weight loss? | LearningKiDunya
best breakfast for weight loss, best breakfast for weight loss, what to eat for breakfast when trying to lose weight breakfast recipes for weight lose
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