Past Perfect Tense: Definition of past perfect tense: It shows action that got completed in the past before a definite time. Past pe...
Past Perfect Tense:
Definition of past perfect tense:
It shows action that got completed in the past before a
definite time. Past perfect is used after the helping verb.
I had entered the hall before examination began.
Last month we had finished our courses of study.
In which month had we completed the computer training?
Past perfect tense |
Important Note:
- For lifeless objects, animals, ideas etc we often use which or that and who or that for human beings.
- (At times we use who for animals and birds when we treats them a person.)
- In negative sentences, we use not between had and the main verb
- In question, had is used before the subject. Where how, when, why, etc are used before had.
The teacher had not begun the
lesson when you came in.
You and they had never behaved in
this unseemly manner.
Why had she not advanced the loan
to you?
Hoe had Rehana achieved so many
Passive voice of Past Perfect Tense:
In passive voice the object is
used before the “had” if the sentence is not questions.
When two actions in the past are described,
the action that took place latter will be expressed in the past indefinite and
the action that took place earlier will be express in the past perfect.
simple tense=====> had
passive vioce=====>had been
We had been given the examination
last week.
We found that all students had
been inoculated.
Had those workers been employed in
two thousand fifteen?
Where had been “Titanic” the world
largest ship in the 20th century, been constructed?
Muhammad Qasim