Though like several TV programmes, it is “Mauj Darya” that I like most. it is an interesting program that deals with our social problems....
Though like several TV programmes, it is “Mauj Darya” that I like most. it is an interesting program that deals with our social problems. We have this programme every week in the evening, and when it starts, 1 run to my TV in joy.
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(It is in the form oi a Series of pin)s, speeches, discussions, interviews, stories, songs and music. if one week we have drama, another week we have discussion, next we enjoy stories, and so on. The new
“tbrtn” or “shape" of the programme every week does not let it become boring. The subjects of "Mauj Darya" are as different as the problems in our society.
They can be unemployment. overpopulation, corruption in different forms, smuggling, black marketing, the use of drugs, housing problems, marriage problems, educational problems, the political situation in our country and in other countries, wars in different parts of the world, terrorism, and so on.
In a surprisingly pleasant manner, “Mauj Darya,” at times, suggests quite a useful solution to our social problems. For example, in one of its educational sessions it made it quite clear that the main trouble with our country was illiteracy or ignorance. The question “How can we educate all our people well?" was discussed by teachers and brilliant college and university students. They agreed that the country’s socral system stood in the way of “true education for all." it promoted terrorism and other lighter social evils. The end of the big landowners and capitalists could be the beginning of proper education.
The programme brings to our knowledge the country's scientific and technological progress through interviews, discussions and demonstrations. it will be highly beneficial if we can view the latest scientific achievements around the world. For example, the development of various computers, satellites, picture telephones, musical instruments and surgical methods can be presented or dramatized interestingly.
A song with excellent music is usually presented at the end of each programme. It is purely artistic and it pleases us with fine tunes, voices and verses. Such a programme can continue for a long time without becoming a burden on the viewers.