WHY PEOPLE FAIL CSS EXAM You appeared! You appeared and you failed! No problem! No problem if things are clear to you! No problem...
You appeared! You appeared and
you failed! No problem! No problem if things are clear to you! No problem if
you know what failed you. And really no problem at all if you are determined to
fight back and break the failure jinx next time!
I can tell you 5 hurdles that
impede an aspirant‘s way to an illustrious career in Civil Service of Pakistan.
And how do I know them? I know them not because I have myself experienced
failing the CSS Exam — I passed it in my very first attempt — I know them
simply because every year, some of my students experience it. Yeah! It‘s a
fact! And, Let me openly confess that all those who hold my hand every year
with a hope that I would help them sail across the CSS river, don‘t succeed in
crossing it. Although a reasonable number of them certainly does it every year,
yet many of them remain standing on the same bank, seeing their fellows heading
towards the destination of prestige and glory. And these are the unsuccessful
ones, who during the last 4-5 years have made me know all that I know about the
hurdles which don‘t let candidates cross the finish line.
My purpose is to get you, the CSS
aspirants, acquainted with at least five such impediments so that when you come
across them during your rush towards the finish line, you are well prepared for
their skillful handling.
Here are these!
Can everyone get through the CSS
Exam? I think, the answer is a big NO. And it is as logical as to say that
everyone cannot be a poet or an artist or an economist. There are, certainly,
some innate qualities which if a candidate does not possess, it would be
impossible for him to pass the CSS exam. What are these qualities? Perhaps, I
won‘t be able to explain them at length, yet some of these are: creativity,
spontaneity, perseverance and ability to handle the pressure. These qualities,
mostly, are God-gifted.
So, if you don‘t
have the requisite potential, don‘t feel discouraged, but, CSS is not your cup
of tea. This may lead to success,
but success is not limited
only to this.
CSS preparation
consists of three phases: planning, preparation and practice. Planning phase
requires detailed research regarding what, from where and how much to be
prepared. Preparation phase is acquisition and gathering of knowledge as per
the plan whereas the practice phase is to learn the utilization of the acquired
knowledge while actually attempting the paper. And, what you, the aspirants, do? You focus solely on the acquisition and
gathering of knowledge. If absence of planning wastes your time, neglect of
practice keeps you completely unable to answer even those questions regarding
which you have sufficient knowledge in your memory. Thinking of passing CSS
Exam without proper planning and exhaustive practice is just like thinking of
winning a war with soldiers totally
unfamiliar with the use of their weapons.
Smart work is more result-oriented than hard work.
You can‘t pass CSS Exam the way
you are used to passing your academic exams. CSS Exam is altogether different
in nature. Most students who failed this exam have some things in common; and
those are flagging energy and dampened enthusiasm. If anyone believes that he
would pass the exam because he has joined some famous academy or coaching
center, he is under some disastrous
delusion. CSS preparation
requires only energetic, enthusiastic and impassionate approach.
So dears, think well before setting CSS as the mission of your life. The
goal, though, is an achievable one,
it is highly demanding too. Life blesses
you only after it is sure
that you deserve
to be blessed.
Suppose, you are
in a city totally alien to you, how difficult it would be for you to find an
address? Extremely difficult, right? Then, how on earth could you get through
the CSS Exam without proper guidance? Let me make it very clear that from
proper guidance, I mean availability of some capable person who may
continuously guide you and set your direction right whenever you, knowingly or
unknowingly, start deviating from the right path. The path that leads to the destination, and the one that does not, always
look alike.
Is it merely consulting the
doctor that cures your disease or it is the use of the prescribed medicine that
does the job? Definitely, the use of medicine! A majority of CSS candidates
fail this exam only because they rely solely on ‗tips & tricks‘. These guys
think tips to be some sort of abracadabra that would make them pass the exam in
a jiffy, without any solid efforts on proper study. Such candidates should come
out of the illusion and must realize that there is no shortcut to success,
particularly for the destination they want to reach.
Only the straightest way is the
shortest way. Tips can be helpful only in
streamlining your efforts, they can never substitute actual efforts.