--> Write a letter of mother to his son in the boarding school. | LearningKiDunya

Write a letter of mother to his son in the boarding school.

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Write a letter of mother to his son in the boarding school. learningkidunya

Hill-top House,
Mather an,
19 June, 2019
My dear Tommy,
            Thank you for your letter. But I am sorry you are so unhappy at St. Dominic’s. I don’t wonder you feel rather home-sick, for it is the first time you have been away from home; and I, too often want you home again my child. But you know we cants always have what we want in life. If I were selfish, I would keep you always at home, for I don’t like any of my children to be away; but then how would you ever get your education and grow up to be a man able to manage your own life? Your father thinks that a few years at a boarding-school is necessary for all boys to make men of them and we know best.
            So my dear boy you must be brave and stick to your school. I am sure you will soon get to like it as others don’t boys do. Don’t mind the jokes boys play on you and if you don’t let them know you do. When they see you don’t mind, they will soon get tired of teasing you. So cheer up! And be brave ladies.
With much love,
Yours lovingly


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LearningKiDunya: Write a letter of mother to his son in the boarding school.
Write a letter of mother to his son in the boarding school.
letter to son in boarding school, letter to your mother from boarding school, letter from a boy at a boarding school to his parents on the approaching vacation, letter to daughter in boarding school, a letter to my son entering high school, letter to son from parents, how to write a letter to my son. letter to parents from boarding school., Write a letter of mother to his son in the boarding school. learningkidunya
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