--> Write a letter to your friend to describe an accident you have recently observed. | LearningKiDunya

Write a letter to your friend to describe an accident you have recently observed.

Oh, I have been sick at heart since I observed a horrible road accident a fortnight ago on Multan Road near Shair Shah Junction.

 write a letter to your friend about an accident you met with it.

write a letter to your friend narrating her or him about the accident witnessed by you recently

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C
4 Dec 2020,
My dear Friend,
Oh, I have been sick at heart since I observed a horrible road accident a fortnight ago on Multan Road near Shair Shah Junction. I simply cannot put into word how frightful and dreadful it was! It was really a heart-rending sight. I could not imagine that the minor negligence of the railway gate-keeper could have resulted in such a lamentable accident.
It was night-time when I observed this horrifying sight. A train hit against an unfortunate wagon. The driver of the wagon, unaware of the arriving train, was caught between on the railway track. The train hit the wagon and smashed it into pieces. The piteous shrieks of the passengers were hushed up in the bang of collision. The place bristled with the pieces of human bodies laying scattered to and fro. Our bus was just behind that unlucky wagon. The passenger of our bus rushed out hurriedly to the place of accident to help the injured. But it was of no avail as there was none in need of first aid. All the passengers died at the spot in less than no time. Only blood-stained pieces of human bodies were tragically visible. The wagon was completely wrecked and ruined. 
I saw this accident a fortnight ago. But the shocking effect of this horrible accident is still fresh in my mind. I finish my letter with the prayer that Allah might bless the departed souls with eternal heavenly peace.
Yours sincerely,

write a letter to your friend about an accident you met with
write a letter to your friend about his accident
write a letter to your friend narrating her or him about the accident witnessed by you recently
write a letter to your friend describing a terrible road accident that you have just witnessed
write a letter to your friend narrating a witty incident
write a letter to your friend about the serious accident you have met with
write a letter to your friend describing an inspiring incident you witnessed
informal letter to a friend about an incident


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LearningKiDunya: Write a letter to your friend to describe an accident you have recently observed.
Write a letter to your friend to describe an accident you have recently observed.
Oh, I have been sick at heart since I observed a horrible road accident a fortnight ago on Multan Road near Shair Shah Junction.
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