--> A Picnic Party Essay | a picnic party essay in english for 2nd year | Learning Ki dunya | LearningKiDunya

A Picnic Party Essay | a picnic party essay in english for 2nd year | Learning Ki dunya

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A Picnic Party Essay | a picnic party essay in english for 2nd year | Learning Ki dunya

"Modern age is the age of. In order to get worldly comforts, we have made our lives all the more miserable. We remain busy earning and spending money day in and day out. The more we earn money the more problems we gather around us. We do not have enough time to enjoy the natural beauty that spreads all around us. We do not have time to see green fields, high mountains, streams, starry sky, beautiful songbirds, plants laden with flowers and fruits, and even the smiling face of a beautiful woman. All these delights are pure and life-giving. We can get them without spending a single penny.''

Prof. Ansari was getting emotional when he was explaining to us William Davies' famous poem, 'Leisure'. Kashif stood up and said: 'Sir, You

are very right. Let's decide to go out for a picnic this Sunday and do what you want us to do.' The whole class started clapping agreeing with Kashif. Prof. Ansari had left no choice but cast his vote in favor of Kashif. It was decided that Kahsif along with his two friends would make all arrangements. After a brief discussion, all agreed that the picnic spot would be no other than Changa Manga.

Changa Manga is hardly ten miles away from our city. We all reached there at nine in the morning by bus. Everybody looked fresh but excited. We were going to have fun at a place that abounds in natural beauty. The sun had risen but as it was the month of March its rays were not that hot. Long, slender trees, thick bushes with loads of blooming flowers of different hues, the lake, and the whistling of the small train that takes you on the winding railway track through the thick jungle had made the place an enchanting wonderland.

We chose a large eucalyptus tree and placed our luggage under it.

Kashif and his friends had chosen very sensibly everything on the earth that might add to our enjoyment. There were oranges, dates, sweets, bars of chocolate, flasks of tea, biscuits, juices, and roasted chicken with crusty bread. We did all that we could do. We sang and danced; we ate and drank and played pranks on one another.

Everything was going well when all of a sudden that wonderland turned into a fairyland. A bus came there, and the fairies started getting off it one by one. These girls were from local girls' colleges. With fast-beating hearts and wide-open eyes, we all started looking at them oblivious of the 'bitter' fact that Prof. Ansari was gazing at us with a frown on his forehead. And then we heard a roar 'Boys!

We all sprang back as if awakened from a sound slumber.'What the hell

are you doing? Haven't you ever seen girls?' he cried. We all stood silent and ashamed. Then Kashif broke the silence: 'But Sir, you told us that Davies wanted every human being to enjoy both the beauty of nature and the beauty

of a woman.' Yes, he did say that,' said the embarrassed Prof. Ansari,' but everything looks good when it is done at its proper time. You are here to enjoy

natural beauty, and you would enjoy the beauty of a woman one day when you will be mature enough to get married. And don't forget that any one of the girls we are looking at with such greedy eyes might be the sister of one of us.' 

''We are sorry, Sir,' we all said simultaneously. 'It's all right,' said our kind teacher. 'Let's enjoy our meal'. After the meal, we played different games, sang songs, and told jokes. Everybody was in high spirits. Then came the time to pack up things and go back home. We returned with good memories lingering in our minds and 'beautiful pictures' clinging to our hearts. Please don't ask us whose those pictures were.


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LearningKiDunya: A Picnic Party Essay | a picnic party essay in english for 2nd year | Learning Ki dunya
A Picnic Party Essay | a picnic party essay in english for 2nd year | Learning Ki dunya
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