a house on fire essay with quotations, a house on fire essay in urdu, like a house on fire essay, descriptive essay on a house on fire,
Life is a blend of different shapes, shades, and contours. Sometimes a small ray of light appears from the darkness and illuminates all the dark corners of our life. But sometimes a small, black cloud appears in the bright sky and darkens our whole life. A few days back a similar tragedy befell Allah Baksh, a poor school teacher living in our colony.
Master Allah Baksh is a learned person. As in our country intellectuals and teachers are usually low-paid people, their income is also very low. He has a very large family. With his meager income, he is living from hand to mouth. Last year, he got a loan from his Department and built a small house in our colony. Everybody in the colony respects him as he is harmless but helpful to everyone. But nature had something else in his store for him. Trials are usually a lot of the pious.
One night when all the members of his family were fast asleep, his house caught fire and within a short time, the whole building was razed to the ground The painful cries of the inmates of the house awakened the neighbors. I also jumped out of my bed and rushed to the spot. It was a horrible scene to look at. Black clouds of smoke were coming out of the house. Fierce flames were engulfing everything.
Master Sahib's wife was shouting and beating and thumping her chest.
Her youngest son, Tippu, was sleeping in her room when the fire broke out. But
she could not bring him out of the burning house. Now she was crying for
help. When I heard this, I, at once, decided to help the poor woman. Iran
towards the house. An old person tried to stop me. He said that the child would
have been burnt to ashes and now if I went to the house I would also be burnt to death. But the horrible cries of the mother infused new strength in me. I put aside all my fears and jumped into the fire. I felt myself burning in the hell but I didn't lose heart and reached the room where the child was sleeping. He was now awakened and was crying bitterly. I carried him and holding tightly ran out of the house. When I came out, his mother rushed to me. She snatched the child from me, pressed him against her chest, and kissed him passionately. This tragic scene moved away many people to tears.
It is said that the fire was due to short-circuiting. The power wires that were coming from the nearby electric pole were in poor condition. Master Allah Baksh had repeatedly made complaints to Wapda. But no action was taken. The negligence of Wapda authorities caused a huge loss to Master Sahib. But keeping in view his poverty and piety the residents of the colony decided to raise funds for him so that he might make good of his loss.