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Population Explosion
Population control is one of the critical issues of our time. Much can be said in pros and cons of it. In underdeveloped countries like Pakistan, birth control is considered a sign against God by some narrow-minded fanatics. The fact is that population explosion is not merely an economic problem; it is also a big social problem. Parents who have too many children cannot pay attention to the mental, physical and spiritual growth and betterment of each of their children. The result is that their children feel neglected. They fall a victim to different evils. The need of the time is that we should take an impartial view of the situation and tackle this problem rationally and not emotionally.
Pakistan's population is growing at a rate of 3.1 percent a year. This rapid increase in our population is the main cause of all our social, political, and economic problems. According to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), one out of every four Pakistanis lives in absolute poverty: one out of every 10 does not have access to health services; every second citizen is without access to safe water; more than three out of every four are without access to sanitation.
There are many causes of this deplorable situation such as poverty and the lack of means of entertainment. But the main cause of the population explosion in our country is illiteracy. About 42 million adults are illiterate. They are under the powerful influence of the mullah who teaches them that birth control is against the faith. Islamic scholars around the world have stated categorically that there is no religious injunction against birth control. Still, the teaching of the mullah is powerful especially in villages where more than 80% of people are illiterate.
Islam itself presents the solution to this problem. In the holy Quran God says, "And mothers should suckle their children for two whole years " This means that an intervening space of about three years should elapse between one pregnancy and another. If this
The Quranic injunction has followed the problem of population explosion can easily be solved without using any other harmful and artificial methods of controlling the birth of children. Pakistan cannot be put on the path to progress unless we change our attitude, control our population and increase our food production.