Social Evils Of Society, social evils in pakistan and their solutions, essay on social evils with outline for ba, social evils essay for 2nd year,
It is said that man is born with a noble nature but with time he loses his nobility and becomes the devil's disciple. The question is what makes him lose his innate goodness. Usually, we lay the blame on circumstances. But is the man the creature of circumstances or is it he who creates circumstances?
The fact is that God has placed both good and evil in man's nature. Man is at liberty to opt for either of the two. Those who have a firm belief in God do not tread the evil path. They face all the rigors of life with a smiling face believing that their goodness will certainly bear fruit in the life hereafter. Those whose faith in God is weak and who want to enjoy all the luxuries and comforts of life in this material world fall easily prey to evil.
Unfortunately, people belonging to the second category are in majority. These are the people who prefer their interests to the interests of their country, their neighbors, and even their near and dear ones. Falsehood narrow-mindedness. rudeness, corruption, dishonesty, nepotism, hoarding smuggling, profiteering is some of the evils that these people use as their tools to gain worldly comforts.
All these evils are prevalent in Pakistan also. These evils have seeped into the veins of our society. Mostly the people who claim to be Muslims and talk much about Islam and its teachings that are prone to such evils. Almost in every field of life, be it education, medicine, business, or government service, you will find the majority of the people neglecting their duties, taking bribes, misusing funds, behaving rudely with their colleagues and subordinates, and wasting time in loose talk. Leg-pulling and backbiting are their favorite hobbies.
Similarly talking about wealth and women is their best pastime. Islam prohibits us from inflicting pain on others. But this is what we all do most of the time in our lives. We abuse our parents. We create difficulties for our neighbors. We neglect the rights of our servants. We hate hard work and want to accumulate heaps of money through dishonest means shortcuts. It is because of these evils that even after the sixty years of the creation of Pakistan we are a backward nation. Sectarianism and terrorism are attacking the very survival of us as a Muslim nation.
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was fully aware of all these social evils. In his speech to the first Constituent Assembly of Pakistan, he mentioned all these evils one by one and stressed the need to uproot them with an iron hand. We ignored his advice. Today we have gained atomic power, but we have lost our moral power. Our moral bankruptcy has brought us to a juncture where we can fall into the lap of either the Americans or the Indians.
If we want to avert this disaster we must follow the teachings of Islam "Do good and have good' should be the watchword of our life. God, Himself has said that He may forgive him who has ignored His rights but he who ignores the rights of other human beings will never be forgiven. All social evils, in one way or another, usurp the rights of the people and make this world a hell Our "Namaz" and 'Roza' please none but us only. But if we stop doing anything that may give pain to any other creature of God, we can please our God and make this world an earthly paradise.