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Why I Love Pakistan Essay | Nationalism And Patriotism Essay | Essay On Patriotism

Why I Love Pakistan Essay, Why I Love Pakistan Essay for fsc, patriotism essay in english for class 12, patriotism essay pdf, 5 paragraph essay,

Why I Love Pakistan Essay | Nationalism And Patriotism Essay | Essay On Patriotism

Why I Love Pakistan

Everybody loves his country because patriotism is a natural passion.'We like the earth where we are born. We like it because it feeds our bodies, illuminates our minds, and saves our souls. Here we are among our near and dear ones who share our pains and pleasures. We feel a sense of security, closeness, and companionship. Everything that it possesses belongs to us. Its beautiful valleys, high mountains, surging. rivers and their values, customs, and traditions all are dear to us.

But my love for my country is not only because of these earthly and material things. I do love the scenic beauty of my country. But outer beauty is just superficial. It can attract permanently only when it has also some great ideal hidden in it. My country has this ideal which calls the ideology of Pakistan. And my love for my country is due to my love for its ideology.
Ideology is a set of ideas, beliefs, and doctrines that the people of a country want to follow in every field of life. As ours is a Muslim country, our ideology can be nothing but Islam. Pakistan
The movement was started in the name of Islam. Before the partition,' the Muslims of the Sub-continent was leading a miserable life in India. The English were their rulers while the Hindus were their social and economic rulers. They had been living with Hindus for many centuries but the two nations had nothing common between them. Their religions, customs traditions, cultures, and languages were different.
    After 1857, it became crystal clear that the Muslims would never be able to lead their lives according
to the teachings of Islam if they continued living with the Hindus. Now we have achieved a separated homeland, it is our duty to preserve its independence, integrity, and solidarity. This we can do only by preserving its ideology which is hidden in the teachings of Islam. Let Islam be the be-all and end-all our lives. So, I love Islam because it is an Islamic country.


Why I Love Pakistan Essay | Nationalism And Patriotism Essay | Essay On Patriotism

Everybody loves his country because patriotism is a natural passion. We like the earth where we are born. We like it because it feeds our bodies, illuminates our minds, and saves our souls. Here we live among our near and dear ones who share our pains and pleasures. We feel a sense of security, closeness, and companionship. Everything that it possesses belongs to us. Its beautiful valleys, high mountains, surging rivers, and its values, customs, and traditions all are dear to us.
But my love for my country is not only because of these earthly and material things I do love the scenic beauty of my country But outer beauty is just superficial and temporary It can attract permanently only when it has also some great ideal hidden in it My country has this ideal which we call the ideology of Pakistan. And my love for my country is due to my love for its ideology.
Ideology is a set of ideas, beliefs, and doctrines that the people of
a country want to follow in every field of life. As ours is a Muslim country, our
ideology can be nothing but Islam Pakistan Movement was started in the name of Islam. Before the partition, the Muslims of the subcontinent were leading a miserable life in India. The English were their political rulers while the Hindus were their social and economic rulers. They had been living with the Hindus for many centuries. But the two nations had nothing common between them. Their religions, customs, traditions, cultures, and languages all were different. They neither intermarried nor interdined. The friend of the one was the foe of the other. The English rulers always sided with the Hindus. After 1857 it was crystal clear that the Muslims would never be able to lead their lives according to the teachings of Islam if they continued living with the Hindus.
Keeping all this in view the Muslims of the subcontinent decided to launch a movement for a separate homeland Sir Syed Ahmad Khan Allama Iqbal Quaid-e-Azam and many other Muslim leaders provided them the most sincere and dynamic leadership. At last, by the collective efforts of the Muslims of India, Pakistan emerged on the map of the world on the 14th of August, 1947 as the largest Muslim country in the world.
Now when we have achieved a separate homeland, it is our duty to preserve its independence, integrity, and solidarity. this we can do only by preserving its ideology which is hidden in the teachings of Islam. Let Islam be the be-all and end-all of our lives.


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LearningKiDunya: Why I Love Pakistan Essay | Nationalism And Patriotism Essay | Essay On Patriotism
Why I Love Pakistan Essay | Nationalism And Patriotism Essay | Essay On Patriotism
Why I Love Pakistan Essay, Why I Love Pakistan Essay for fsc, patriotism essay in english for class 12, patriotism essay pdf, 5 paragraph essay,
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