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My Idea of a happy life (or) Ideal life Essay

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My Idea of a happy life (or) Ideal life Essay


My Idea of a happy life (or) Ideal life

The world of ours is full of troubles. These trouble or evils are of many kinds. Millions of human beings, in different parts of the world, are facing poverty, disease, injustice, in equality, war, and so on. A happy life or a happy world is one in which a person lives in comfort and is happy and satisfied. This means he has enough in come to satisfy his needs and to enjoy the comfort of life. In addition, he is happy with his condition in life and enjoys satisfaction of the heart. The entire world would be happy if we have good condition of living in every country of society. Firstly, there should be peace. People should decide to settle all their problems or disputes in peaceful ways. They should try to settle them through discussion or through courts of law, but never by use of force. So also countries should settle their disputes through conferences and meetings between their rule and governments. They should approach would organizations like the united nation for the settlement of their disputers. Secondly, human beings should have enough chances of making progress in all possible ways. If a person has proper qualifications for a profession, he should be able to work and progress in it. He should be able to get a job easily. He should get enough pay according to able to the he does (as he does it). It should be possible for all human beings to get properly education and to improve their knowledge.  Thirdly human beings at all places and in all parts of the world should be prosperous. The means they should have enough money to spend, proper house to live in and good clothes to wear. Parents should be able to get their children educated and trained suitably. Old people should have proper incomes or pensions after retirement form work. Ill people should be able to buy medicines or have effective medical treatment in hospitals. Fourthly, we should have perfect justice everywhere. The rights of everyone should be safe and none should be allowed to trouble others in any way. All should be equal the law. It is no doubt very difficult to make our happy. However, it may not be impossible to do so. Let us decide to have peace, progress, prosperity and justice everywhere.   


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LearningKiDunya: My Idea of a happy life (or) Ideal life Essay
My Idea of a happy life (or) Ideal life Essay
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