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The Person Whom I Hate Most

essay on the person i dislike the most, the person i hate most quotes, to the person i hate, the person i hate the most is myself, paragraph writing on what you dislike most and why, the person you dislike most paragraph, i hate you essay,qualities to dislike in a person, a most unusual character,

The Person Whom I Hate Most
 A Most Unusual or Unforgettable Character
(Or) The Person Whom I Hate Most.
I have seen some very strange person in my life.  The strangest or most unusual of them is ‘’Uncle Sam.’’ Some people call him samu chacha. I do not know whether people call him Uncle Sam for fun or just because he himself likes to be called so. The fact is that this person is quite old, married, but still childless. He could have been father of half a dozen children. Perhaps the absence of children has made him feel that he is young enough for a second marriage. He sometimes tells his friend that he may have a child some years later. ‘’But then, chacha, you will be too old, and so also your wife’’ someone remarks. Here come the reply form who call me like that, you see I am still young,’’ Then chacha stands up and begins walking up and down the room, pulls out his pips and proudly smokes it likes third-class Englishman. At times, he takes out the pips form from the mouth, looks into it closely, and then strikes it hard against the heel of his hard shoe. Once he struck it against his head and cried hard. Sleeping children woke up and began crying in anger began (cursing him indeed). Once I happened to visit Sam’s elder sister’s house. I was shocked to find that this rouge had taken away half of the house of that poor woman by fraud. So samu chacha become a most unusual character. No one cheats his own sister. A student of literature once told me that two very unusual daughters of a king had cheated him thousands of years ago. These daughters were Goneril and regan. Once I told him that was like two very evil princesses, Generil and regan. He replied,’’ so I am a royal person. I am a prince myself.’’ Samu hates all those who in any way disagree with him. He thinks he is always right, and others wrong when they look the other way. In fact, people have begun hating him. Some openly say that he is burning in the hell of his own creation (making).


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LearningKiDunya: The Person Whom I Hate Most
The Person Whom I Hate Most
essay on the person i dislike the most, the person i hate most quotes, to the person i hate, the person i hate the most is myself, paragraph writing on what you dislike most and why, the person you dislike most paragraph, i hate you essay,qualities to dislike in a person, a most unusual character,
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