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Universal Education OR Elementary Education Essay

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Universal Education OR Elementary Education Essay

Universal Education (or) Elementary Education

Universal education means education for all the people of the country. It means educating the entire nation –men, woman and children in the cities, villages, and at all places. There is a great need to education our people. More than 70 per cent of our people are still uneducated. If most of our people get educated, they can understand the value of unity and discipline. They can co-operate in different field of life. They can understand and work for their own high aims and those of their nation and country. They can understand and obey the law of the land and become good citizens. Universal education is urgently needed in the present social and political context of terrorism. Terrorism can be checked and brought to an end only in there ways ---by providing economic equality, equal chance of progress and proper universal education to the people in the shortest time. Education people can understand the political problems of their country and those of other countries. They can follow (understand) the policies of their government. They can also follow the programmes of different political parties. In elections, they can wisely vote for those political parties or candidates whose programmes or policies they find to be benefit and useful. Universal education will enable our people (make them able) to make proper industrial, agricultural and technical progress. Education people prove to be more efficient and useful than uneducated people. We should open big education Centre’s at central places in villages, towns and cities. These centres should have morning, afternoon and night classes. All kinds of buildings, even those of banks, government offices, clubs, shopping centres, besides those of schools and colleges can be used for classes on holidays and at late hours. There can be a common fund for universal education. Rich landowners, industrialists, bank and commercial organizations should contribute to this find. The government can levy a special tax on people with higher incomes to meet the expenses of universal education. Then the government can itself provide money from its treasury. Universal education will bring the light of knowledge to many of our dark homes. The government and the people should co-operate to make universal education a possibility and a fact.


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LearningKiDunya: Universal Education OR Elementary Education Essay
Universal Education OR Elementary Education Essay
essay about elementary school education, importance of elementary education pdf, importance of elementary education teachers, what is elementary education, concept of elementary education, introduction of elementary education, scope of elementary education, elementary education paragraph
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