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Co-education Essay

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Co-education Essay


Co-education is common in almost all the advanced western countries like France, Britain, Russia, America and Canada. It is functioning in a great many eastern countries like Turkey, China Japan and Nigeria and in other parts of world like Australia and South America. We have co-education in many of or universities, a few colleges and English-type school in the big cities. It is not available in most of our school and colleges up to the intermediate and degree levels. In the future, we may be having a large number of co-education primary school with women teachers in the majority. Co-education gives useful training to boys and girls to work together. While studying side in different classes, they learn to co-operate for common aims or purposes. After completing their education, they can easily join different professions together. They can work together for common national aims at scientific research centers, in hospital and offices and even in factories to increase national production. Boys and girls studying together can discuss their subject and can help each in understanding them well. Boys may be able to understand and know some subject or their parts better than girls. They can explain and discuss them with girls. So girls may be able to explain some other parts to bays inn their own ways. Co-education can make boys girls compete with each other in studies. Both can try to more and do better in discussions and at examinations. This can surely help raise education standards. Co-education gives enough chances to boys and girls to study their subject together from highly qualified and exceptionally (unusually) able teacher. Both male and female teacher of good repute can teach in co-education institutions. Yet, co-education has some disadvantages. Boys and girls studying together may get more free than desirable in their dealings they can meet and talk whenever they like which is not so good from the religious of view. In co-educational institution, girl cannot always take part in sports, debates, etc. alone with boys. They cannot often works actively with boys in college elections or at social functions. They often have to make separate arrangements of their own for games or other activities. It may not be possible be teach and explain all the parts of a subject to boys and girls together. There are some topics in subject like psychology and medicine, which cannot easily be discussed before both the sexes. It is necessary to make a proper use of co-education in our institutions of higher learning. It is possible to get the benefit of co-education and avoid most of the disadvantages.


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LearningKiDunya: Co-education Essay
Co-education Essay
Co-education Essay, Co-education paragraph, co education essay with outline for, co education essay 100 words, importance of co education essay, co education essay quotes for fsc, importance of co-education essay in english, co education essay in english with quotations for 2nd year, co education essay with outline pdf, co education essay with headings, learning ki dunya
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