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3.1 Biodiversity
1. Biodiversity of a species means its: (GUJ-G1)-13
(A) Number (B)P Variety (C) Population (D) Community
2. The numbers of organisms on earth is: (DGK-G2)-15
(A) 10 Thousand (B) Two
lac (C) 20 lac (D)P one crore
3. In this kingdom prokaryotic organisms
are: (AJK-G1)-15
(A) Protista (B)P Monera (C) Fungi
(D) Plantae
4. Which organism is included in kingdom
monera? (SGD-G1)-15
(A)P Cyanobacteria (B) Algae (C) Fungi (D) Virus
5. Biodiversity is richer in: (MTN-G1)(MTN-G2)-17(MTN-G2)-18
(A) Desert (B)P Tropics (C) Temperature (D) polar
3.2 Classification:
Aims and Principles
6. Correct sequence of classification is: (GUJ-G2)-13
(A)P Phylum,
Class, Order (B) Phylum,
Order, Class
(C) Class,
Order, phylum (D) Order,
Phylum, Class
7. According to classification, what is
human “Order”? (BWP-G1)-13
(A) Mammalia (B)P Primates (C) Hominidae (D) Homo
8. Class is a group of related: (AJK-G1)-13
(A) Genus (B) Species (C)P Order (D) Families
9. Family is a group of related: (DGK-G1),
(MTN-G1), (LHR-G2)-13
(A)P Genus (B) Order (C) Species (D) Classes
10. A related group of genera comprises: (AJK-G2)-13 (GUJ-G2)-14 (BWP-G2)-17
(A) Order (B)P Family (C) Class (D) Phylum
11. A group of related species is called: (SWL-G1)-14
(A) Order (B)P Genus (C) Phylum (D) Kingdom
12. A genus is a group of related: (LHR-G1)12
(A) Families (B) Classes (C)P Species (D) Order
13. The basic unit of classification is: (GUJ-G1)-12 (RWP-G2)-14 (MTN)-G2-16
(A) Class (B)P Species (C) Genus (D) Family
14. The animal unable to reproduce is: (GUJ-G1)-15
(A) Monkey
(B)P Mule (C) Horse (D) Donkey
15. It deals with the classification of
organisms: (SGD-G2)-15
(A)P Taxanomy (B) Entamology
(C) Anatomy (D) Botany
3.3 History
of Classification Systems
16. Which group of living organisms absorbs
his food from the environment?
(FBD-G2)-13 (SGD-G2)-17
(A) Protists (B)P Fungi (C) Bacteria
(D) Animals
17. Who translated Aristotle's book De Anima
into Arabic? (BWP-G2)-13
(A)P Ibn
Rushd (B) Tourney fort
(C) Carleus
Linnaeus (D) John
18. To which kingdom viruses belong? (LHR-G1,RWP-G2)-13
(A) Monera (B) Protista (C) Fungi (D)P None
19. Theory of evolution was proposed by: (SGD-G2)-13
(A) Aristotle (B)P Darwin
(C) Bu
Ali Sina (D) Lamarck
20. Fern is an example of kingdom: (BWP-G2)-15
(A) Monera (B) Protista (C)P Plantae (D) Fungi
21. Who suggested the kingdom protista? (DGK-G1)-13
(A) Abu usman (B) Jabir Bin Hayan (C)P Ernest
Hackel (D) Arrhenius
22. Five kingdom system was introduced by: (SGD-G2)-13 (SGD-G2)-14
(A) Margulis and Schwartz (B)P Robert
(C) Ernest
Hackel (D) Tonifort
23. Taxon of order was introduced first time
by: (DGK-G2)-14
(A) Tourney
fort (B) Linnaeus
(C)P Rivinus (D) John
24. Who introduced the system of
classification of organisms for the first time:
(A) Ernst Hackel (B)P Aristotle
(C) carious
Linnaeus (D) Robert Whittaker
25. Bacteria are assigned to the kingdom: (LHR-G2)-15
(A) Fungi (B)P Monera
(C) Protista (D) Porifera
26. Who proposed three kingdom system of classification?
(A)P Ernest
Hackel (B) E.Chatton (C) King (D) Linnaeus
27. Carlus laeneous divided nature in _____
kingdom. (RWP-G2)-15
(A) Two (B)P Three (C) Four
(D) Five
3.4 Five
28. Membrane of which group among the
following are all prokaryotes? (DGK-G2)-14
(A) Animals (B) Protists (C)P Bacteria (D) Plants
29. Which kingdom all prokaryotic animals
belong to? (FBD-G2)-13
(A) Protista (B)P Monera
(C) Fungi (D) Plantae
30. Common example of kingdom fungi is: (MTN-G1)-15
(A)P Mushrooms (B) Fern (C) Algae (D) Mosses
31. In which kingdom would you classify
unicellular and simple eukaryotes?
(RWP-G1)-12 (FBD-G2)-15
(A) Fungi
and planate (B) Fungi and monira
(C)P Only Protista (D) Only fungi
32. Mushrooms are an examples of Kindom: (GUJ-G2-18)
(A) Protista (B) Monera (C) Fungi
P (D) Plantae
33. Carolus Linnaeus divided nature into
kingdoms: (SWL-G2)-14
(A) 2 (B)P 3 (C) 4 (D) 5
3.5 Binomial
34. Binomial nomenclature method was first
time introduce by: (MTN-G1)-13
(A) Aristotle (B)P Carlus
Linnaeus (C) Redi (D) Darwin
35. Scientific name of onion is: (LHR-G2)-12
(MTN-G2)-13 (SGD-G1),
(LHR-G1)-14 (GUJ-G2)-15 (MTN-G1)-16
(A)P Allium cepa (B) Asterias rubens
(C) Zea mays (D) Felis domsticus
36. Allium cepa is the scientific name of: (SWL-G1)-18
(A) Pea (B) Maize (C) human
(D)P onion
37. Scientific name of house crow is:
(A)P Corves splandense (B) Asterias
(C) Zea mays (D) Felis domsticus
3.6 Conservation
of Biodiversity
38. Eucalyptus plants were imported from: (FBD-G2)-14
(A) China (B)P Australia (C) Africa (D)
None of these
39. National animal of Pakistan is: (SWL-G2)13 (BWP-G2)-15 (LHR-G1)-16 (FBD-G1)-17
(A)P Markhor (B) Houbara Bustard (C) Sheep (D) Peacock
40. In which season houbara bustard migrates
to Pakistan and settles here?
(FBD-G1),(RWP-G1)-13 (BWP-G1)-15
(A) Summer
(B) Spring (C) Autum
(D)P Winter
41. Houbara bustard is a large: (GUJ-G2)-16
(A) Fish (B)P Bird (C) Reptiles (D) Plant
42. How many million population today live on
earth? (FBD-G2)-14
(A) 200 (B) 400 (C)P 600 (D) 800
43. The species which not present further in
any ecosystem are called: (LHR-G2)-14
(A) Endagered species (B) Global ecosystem
(C) Extinct
species (D) Population
44. Himalayian Jungle project was started in: (BWP-G1)-16
(A) 2013
(B)P 1991 (C) 1995 (D) 1997
45. Number of persons increasing in the world
population after every one minute is: (RWP-G1)-14
(A)P 180 (B) 290 (C) 280 (D) 490
46. Star fish eats: (SGD-G1)-13
(MTN-G1)-15 (SGD-G2)-17
(A) Algea
(B) Fungi (C) Bacteria (D)P Mussels
47. The National brid of Pakistan is: (SWL-G1)-15
(A)P Chakor Patridge (B) Sparrow (C) Pigeon (D) Eagle
48. Kingdom of fern is: (DGK-G1)-17
(A) Fungi (B) Protista (C)P Plantae (D) Animallia
49. Remains of extinct organisms are called: (DGK-G2)-17
(A) Corals (B)P Fossils (C) Corals reef (D) Endangered
50. The Third Kingdom System was proposed by: (MTN-G1)-17
(A) Margulis (B) Aristotle (C) Robert
Whittaker (D) Ernst Hackel
51. Biodiversity is richer in: (MTN-G2)-17
(A) Deserts (B) Temperate regions
(C) Polar regions (D) Tropics
52. When last member of a species dies, the species is called: (RWP-G1)-17
(A) Established (B) Extinct (C) Threatened (D) Endangered
53. All the members of which group intake their food after
absorbing in the body? (RWP-G1)-17
(A) Protists (B) Fungi (C) Bacteria (D) Animal
54. Allium Cepa is the scientist name of: (RWP-G2)-17
(A) Potato (B) Carrot (C) Pea (D) Onion
55. Synthesize protein in cell. (SGD-G1)-17
(A) Mitochondria (B) Ribosome (C) Chloroplast (D) Vacuole
56. Which of the following group includes organisms all of which
are absorptive in their nutrition?
(A) Protists (B) Animals (C) Bacteria (D) Fungi
57. Sea star (Star fish) eats. (SGD-G2)-17
(A) Algae (B) Fungi (C) Protists (D) Mussels
1. What is meant by Biodiversity?
(GUJ-G2)-13 (DGK-G2), (LHR-G1),(LHR-G2),(SWL-G2),(SWL-G1)-14
(BWP-G2), (LHR-G2)(BWP-G2)-15 (MTN-G1)-16 (DGK-G1),
(LHR-G2), (BWP-G2)-17 (GUJ-G2)-18
Ans. The term "biodiversity" has been
derived from “bio” and “diversity”. "Diversity" means variety within
a species and among species. Biodiversity is a measure of the variety of
organisms present in different ecosystems.
2. Write importance of biodiversity. (RWP-G2)-12
(MTN-G2), (LHR-G1)-15
(LHR-G2), (GUJ-G2),(BWP-G2)-16 (LHR-G2)-17
Ans. Biodiversity provides food for humans. A
significant proportion of drugs are derived directly or indirectly from biological
sources. A wide range of industrial materials e.g. building materials, fibres,
dyes, resins, gums, adhesives, rubber and oil are derived directly from plants.
Biodiversity plays important role in
making and maintaining ecosystems. It plays a role in regulating the chemistry
of our atmosphere and water supply. Biodiversity is directly involved in
recycling nutrients and providing fertile soils.
3.2 Classification:
Aims and Principles
3. Describe aims of classifications. (MTN-G1), (RWP-G2),(LHR-G2),
(LHR-G2), (DGK-G2), (LHR-G1)-14
(SGD-G1), (LHR-G1), (BWP-G1)-15 (GUJ-G1),(BWP-G1),(BWP-G2)-16
Ans. Aims of Classification
The main aims of classification are.
(i) To determine similarities and
differences among organisms so that they can be studied easily.
(ii) To find the evolutionary relationship
among organisms.
4. What is the basic unit of classification?
Define it.
(MTN-G2), (DGK-G2), (LHR-G1), (GUJ-G2)-13 (BWP-G1)-14
Ans. A species is a group of organisms which can
interbreed freely among them and produce fertile off spring, but are
reproductively isolated from all other such group in nature. Basic unit or
category of classification is "species".
5. What is the difference between the
flora and fauna? (BWP-G2)-17
Flora refers to
plant life whereas fauna refers to animal life of the certain area.
6. What is meant by Taxa? Write name of
any Taxa. (SWL-G2)-13
Ans. The group to which organisms are classified
as known as taxonomic categories or taxa (singular "taxon"). The taxa
form a ladder called taxonomic hierarchy.
Example: kingdom is a texon.
7. What is the basic classification?
Explain. (DGK-G1)-13
Ans. Classification is based on relationship amongst
and such relationship is got through similarities in characteristics. These
similarities suggest that all organisms are related to one another at some
point in their evolutionary histories. However, some organisms are more closely
related than other. For example sparrows are more closely related to pigeons
than to insects. It means that the former two have common evolutionary
When biologists classify organisms
into groups and subgroups, the similarities are seen, in external and internal
structure and states of development.
8. Name the famous writings of Abdul Malik
Asmai. (RWP-G2)-17
Ans. His famous writings include
“Al-Abil (camel)”, “Al-Khail (horse)”, “Al-Wahoosh (animal)”, and “Kalq
9. What is difference between taxonomy and
systematic? (RWP-G1),(BWP-G2),(LHR-G2)-14
Ans. The branch of biology which deals with
classification is called taxonomy and the branch which deals with
classification and also traces the evolutionary history of organisms is known
as systematic.
10. Name any four taxa of classification.
Ans. (i) Kingdom (ii) Phylum (iii) Class (iv) Order
11. Define species.
(GUJ-G2)-12 (LHR-G1)-13
(RWP-G1)-15 (BWP-G1)-16 (SWL-G1),(LHR-G1),(DGK-G2)-17
Ans. Species is the basic unit of classification.
"A species is a group of organisms which can interbreed freely among them
and produce fertile offspring, but are reproductively isolated from all other
such groups in nature.
12. Mule
is result of unnatural cross. Why? (DGK-G2)-16, (SGD-G2)-17, (DGK-G2)-18
Ans. Two different but
closely related species can be inherited un-naturally but they can produce only
infertile off spring through unnatural mating is called as unnatural mating. When
male donkey and female horse mate produce infertile mule.
3.3 History
of Classification Systems
13. Write the names of four kingdoms in five
kingdom system. (SGD-G1)-13 (DGK-G2)-15
Ans. (i)
Monera (ii) Protista (iii) Fungi (iv) Plantae
14. Define kingdom Monera and give example.
(LHR-G1)12 (GUJ-G1)-13 (FBD-G2)-14 (BWP-G1)-15
or What type of organisms are included in
kingdom monera? Give example.
Ans. Kingdom monera includes prokaryotic organisms
i.e., they are made of prokaryotic cells. Monerans are unicellular, although
some types form chains, clusters or colonies of cells. Prokaryotic cells are
radically different from eukaryotic cells. Most are heterotropic but some
perform photosynthesis because they have chlorophyll in their cytoplasm. Within
this kingdom, there are two different kinds of organisms i.e. bacteria and
15. What is base of Five Kingdom System? (RWP-G1)14 (BWP-G1)-15 (MTN-G2)-18
Ans. In 1967, Robert Whittaker introduced the
five-kingdom classification system. This system is based on:
(i) The levels of cellular organization
i.e. prokaryotic, unicellular eukaryotic and multicellular eukaryotic.
(ii) The
principal modes of nutrition i.e. photosynthesis, absorption and ingestion.
16. What
is meant by endangered species?
(RWP-G2)12 (GUJ-G2)-14 (GUJ-G1), (GUJ-G2)-15 (LHR-G2)-17
Ans. A species is called endangered when it is
risk of extinction in near future from an ecosystem, like Indus dolphin, Marco
photosheep, Houbara bustard.
17. In which kingdoms Carolus divided the
nature? (SWL-G2)-13
Ans. Carolus Linnaeus divided nature into three
kingdoms: minerals, vegetable, animals. Linnaeus used five ranks in
classification: class, order, genus, species and variety. Linnaeus is best
known for his introduction of the method still used to formulate the scientific
name of every species.
18. Write a classification of pea plant. (GUJ-G1)-12
(FBD-G1)-17 (GUJ-G1)-18
Ans. Plantae ® Kingdom
Magnoliophyta ® Phylum
Magnoliopsida ® Class
Fabales ® Order
Fabaceae ® Family
Pisum ® Genus
Pisumsativum ® Species
19. Write down simple classification of
"Human". (DGK-G2)-14
(AJK-G1)-15 (LHR-G2)-18
Ans. (i) Kingdom ® Anaemelia
(ii) Phylum ® Cordata
(iii) Class ® Mammalia
(iv) Order ® Primates
(v) Family ® Hominidae
(vi) Genus ® Homo
(vii) Species ® Homo sapiens
20. Differentiate between class and order. (GUJ-G1)-12
Ans. Class
is a group of related order while order is a group of related families.
21. Who and when introduced the five Kingdom classification
system? (BWP-G2)-13
Ans. In 1967, Robert Whittaker introduced the five kingdom
classification system.
22. What is meant by two Kingdom classification?
On which thing is it based?
(DGK-G1)-13 (SGD-G2)-15
Ans. This the oldest system and classifies all
organisms into two kingdoms i.e. Plantae and Animalia. According to it, all
organisms that can prepare food from simple inorganic materials and thus can
store energy are autotrophs and are included in kingdom plantae. On the other
hand, the organisms that cannot synthesize their food and depend on autotrophs
or others are heterotrophs and are included in kingdom animalia. According to
this system, bacteria, fungi and algae were included in kingdom plantae.
23. What
is meant by the three kingdom classification? (SWL-G2)-18
Ans. In 1866 Ernst Hackel
solved the first objection of two kingdom classification and proposed a third
kingdom protista to accommodate the euglena like organism. He also include the
beteria in kingdom protista. In this system fungi still include in the kingdom
24. Viruses are a cellular why? (SDG
Viruses only contain nucleic acids within a protein coat. They do not
contain any of the other cellular machinery to sustain life. Hence viruses are
called non-cellular.
25. What is the status of
viruses in five kigdomsystem?
Ans. Viruses are not include in the five kingdom system because they are not
considerd as the living organism. Viruses are at the bottom line of the living
26. Write the names of two kingdoms in two kingdom
system. (FBD-G1)-13 (GUJ-G1)-14
Ans. (i) Kingdom
animalia: The organisms that cannot synthesize their food and depend on
autotrophs or others are heterotrophs and are included in kingdom animalia.
(ii) Kingdom plantae: All organisms that can prepare food from
simple inorganic materials like autotrophs are included in kingdom plantae.
27. Write down the scientific name of Human
being and Pea plant. (MTN
Ans. The
scientific name of human and pea is H. sapiens and P. sativum respectively.
3.4 Five
28. Differential between prions and viroids.
Ans. Prions are composd of protein only and
viroids are composed of circular RNA only.
29. Write three characteristics of kingdom
Monera. (GUJ-G2)-13
Ans. Kingdom
(i) It includes prokaryotic organisms.
(ii) Monerans are unicellular.
(iii) It include two different type of organisms
like bacteria and cynobacteria.
30. How are many types of Protists? Write
their name. (BWP-G2)-13
Ans. Kingdom
It includes eukaryotic, unicellular
and simple multicellular organisms. There are three main types of protists.
(i) Plant-like protists: Algae are
unicellular, colonial or simple multicellular. They resemble plant cells with
cell walls and chlorophyll in chloroplasts.
(ii) Animal-like Protists: Protozoan
resemble animals whose cells lack chlorophyll and cell walls.
(iii) Fungi-like
Protists: Some protests are like the fungi.
31. Write name of any two decomposers. (SGD-G2)-14
Ans. (i) Bacteria (ii) Fungi
32. Write important characteristics of
kingdom plantae. (GUJ-G1)-14
Ans. 1. They make their own
2. They
have multicellular sex organs and form embryos during their life cycles.
33. What
is meant by acellular?
Ans. The particles that not have cellular
organization called acellular, like viruses are not considered as organisms and
thus are not includes in the five kingdom classification system.
34. How fungi differ from
other plants? Write two points. (AJK-G2)-13
Write three important
properties of kingdom fungi.
(DGK-G2)-13 (FBD-G1), (SGD-G1)-15 (GUJ-G2)16
Ans. Kingdom fungi includes eukaryotic
multicellular heterotrophs which are absorptive in their nutritional mode e.g.
mushrooms. Most fungi are decomposers. They live on organic material, secrete
digestive enzymes and absorb small organic molecules formed by the digestion by
35. Difference between the heterotrophy and
autotrophs. (SWL-G1)-17
OR What
are the autotrophic organism: (BWP-G2)-18
The organisms which cannot prepare their own food
is called as heterotrophs like animal. All animal are heterotrophic organism.
The organisms which can prepare their food is
called as autotrophs like plant. All green plants are autotrophic organism
3.5 Binomial
36. Write down scientific names of Onion and
Houses Crow. (MTN-G1)-13
Ans. Onion:
Allium cepa
crow: Corvus splendens
37. What is difference between modes of
nutrition of fungi and animals. (RWP-G1)-17
Ans. Fungi: Multicellular
heterotrophs which are absorptive in their nutritional mode e.g. mushrooms. Most
fungi are decomposers.
Animal: Eukaryotic multicellular consumers. Animals live mostly by ingesting
food and digesting it within specialized cavities.
38. How do we write scientific name? Give an
example. Or write biological name of man.
(RWP-G1)-12 (RWP-G1)-13
(MTN-G2)-14 (LHR-G2)-15 (FBD-G2)-17
Ans. Scientific names are usually printed in
italics, such as Homo sapiens. When handwritten they are underlined,
like Homo sapiens.
39. Why we formulate binomial nomenclature? (FBD-G2)-14
Ans. We formulate binomial nomenclature because
in biological research, common names cause many problems. Different regions
have different names for the same organism. For example: common name of onion
in Urdu is 'Piyaz' but in different regions of Pakistan it is also known as ‘ganda’
or ‘Bassal’ or ‘Vassal’. In other countries, it has other sets of names. In
science it has only one name Allium cepa.
40. Define binomial nomenclature. (LHR-G1)-12 (MTN-G1),(MTN-G2)-14
(SGD-G1),(BWP-G1),(GUJ-G2)-17 (DGK-G1) (SGD-G2) (SWL-G2)-18
Ans. Binomial nomenclature is the method of
giving scientific names to living organisms. As the word "binomial"
suggests, the scientific name of a species consists of two names: the first is
genus name and the second one is the name of species.
41. Define
taxonomic Hierarchy.
Ans. The groups into which organisms are
classified are known as taxonomic categories or taxa (singular “taxon”). The taxa form of ladder, called taxonomic hierarchy. All organisms are
divided into five kingdoms. So kingdoms is the largest taxon.
42. Write biological name of Human and
Onion. (RWP-G2)-14
Ans. Human: Homo sapiens
Onion: Allium cepa
3.6 Conservation
of Biodiversity
What are extinct species? Give two examples. (AJK-G1), (BWP-G1)-13
(GUJ-G2)-14 (GUJ-G2)-15 (GUJ-G1),(MTN-G1),(MTN-G2)-16
Ans. Extinct Species: A species that no longer
lives in an ecosystem is said to be extinct in that ecosystem. When species of
an ecosystem become extinct, the stability of ecosystem is harmed. Examples:
Lions, tiger swamp dear are extinct species in Pakistan.
44. What is difference between extinct and
endangered species? (LHR-G1, G2)–18 (FBD-G2)-17
Ans. Extinct Species: In an ecosystem, a
species is called extinct when there is no doubt that the last individual of
that species has died in that ecosystem.
Endangered Species: A species
is called endangered when it is at risk of extinction in near future.
45. What is meant by soil erosion? (SWL-G2)-14
Ans. Heavy rainfall washes soil into rivers
essential nutrients are washed out of soil and it is called soil erosion.
46. Describe two causes of deforestation.
(MTN-G2)-13 (FBD-G2),
(RWP-G2)-15 (LHR-G1),(BWP-G2)-16
Ans. Cause of Deforestation
1. Deforestation is done for using the
land for various purposes such as pasture, urban use, etc.
2. The race to produce cash through
fruits, species, sugar, tobacco, soap, rubber, paper and cloth has stimulated
many to get them by using soil and by destroying the forests.
47. Write down the names of two organizations
who conservate the biodiversity. (SGD-G2)-13
Ans. (i) International
Union for the Conservation of nature and Natural Resources. (IUCN)
(ii) World
Wildlife Fund-Pakistan (WWF-P).
48. Write a short note about houbara bustard. (LHR-G2)-13 (FBD-G1)-14
Ans. Houbara bustard: This bird flies to
Pakistan in winter season from former Soviet territory and settles in Cholistan
and Thar deserts. The decline in its population is due to hunting by foreigners
and destruction of its habitats.
49. Write a short note on Marcopolo sheep.
(FBD-G2)-13 (RWP-G2),(AJK-G2)-14 (AJK-G2)-15
OR Where Marcopolo sheep is found in
Pakistan? Which organization is working for its conservation?
Ans. Marcopolo sheep are mostly found in the
Khunjerab National Park and nearby areas. Their numbers have been rapidly
decreasing in the last two decades and WWF-P has started projects for its
50. What do you know about Indus Dolphin? (SWL-G1)-13
Ans. According to WWF-P, only 600 animals of the
species of Indus dolphin are left today in the Indus River. The population of
this species declined due to water pollution, poaching and destruction of
51. Name
any two endangered species in Pakistan.
(SGD-G1), (BWP-G1)-14 (GUJ-G1), (FBD-G1)-15 (SGD-G1)-17
Ans. (i)
Indus Dolphin (ii) Marcopolo sheep
52. Write the name of national animal of
(LRH-G1)-13 (SWL-G1)-14 (RWP-G2)-15
Ans. Markhor is the national animal of Pakistan.
53. Write two reasons of loss of
(AJK-G1)-15 (SWL-G1)-18
Ans. (i) Deforestation (ii) Over hunting
54. Discuss viruses are living or nonliving. (DGK-G2)-17
Ans. Viruses are at the borderline of
living and nonliving. Due to their crystalline nature, they are considered as
non-living. They are a cellular i.e. they do not have cellular organization.