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9th Class Biology Chapter No 2 MCQs and Short Question Notes

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9th Class Biology Chapter No 2 MCQs and Short Question Notes

2.1     Biological Method
1.         Biological method has been playing an important role for the last:                             (LHR-G1)-13
            (A)       400 years         (B)P    500 years            (C)       600 years         (D)       1000 years
2.         Plasmodium is transferred by:                                                                                      (SGD-G2)-14
            (A)       Fly                   (B)       Virus                  (C)P    Mosquito         (D)       Bacteria 
3.         Tentative explanation of observation is called:
(GUJ-G1)-13 (FBD-G2),(DGK-G1),(GUJ-G1)-14 (BWP-G1)-15 (GUJ-G1)-16 (BWP-G1)-17
            (A)P    Hypothesis      (B)       Experiment         (C)       Deduction       (D)       Problem
4.         Deductions are drawn from:                                           (LHR-G1)-12 (GUJ-G2)-13 (FBD-G1)-18
            (A)       Experiment      (B)P    Hypothesis         (C)       Theory             (D)       Law
5.         How many senses a biologist use for observations?            (MTN-G1)-13 (LHR-G1)(BWP-G1)-18
            (A)       2                      (B)       4                         (C)P    5                      (D)       6
6.         Freezing point of water is less than its boiling points.” Which type of observation is it?
            (A)       Qualitative      (B)P    Quantitative       (C)       Competitive    (D)       Non-competitive
7.         Knowledge of _____ helps scientists for data analysis.                                              (MTN-G1)-17
            (A)       Commerce       (B)       Statistics             (C)       Economics       (D)       Geometry
8.         Scientist who performed experiments of Malaria on Sparrows:                                  (MTN-G2)-17
            (A)       Ross                (B)       A.F.A. King       (C)       Laveran           (D)       Bu Ali Sina
9.         At which point a biologist is most likely to use reasoning?                                         (RWP-G1)-17
            (A)    White taking observations                  (B)    During Hypothesis formation
            (C)    During data organization                    (D)    None of these
10.       The tentative explanation of observation is called:                                                      (RWP-G2)-17
            (A)       Observation     (B)       Hypothesis         (C)       Theory             (D)       Law
11.       The logical consequences of hypothesis is called:                                                        (LHR-G1)-17
            (A)       Theory             (B)       Law                    (C)       Deduction       (D)       Principle
12.       The first step in solving a biological problem is:                                                           (SGD-G2)-17
            (A)       Experiment      (B)       Deduction          (C) PObservation    (D)       Hypothesis
13.       At which point is a biologist most likely to use reasoning?                                         (BWP-G2)-16
            (A)    Hypothesis                                          (B)P Taking observation
            (C)    During data organization                    (D)    None of these
14.       Which of the following is a correct sequence in biological method?                           (BWP-G1)-13
            (A)    Observation, hypothesis, law              (B)    Hypothesis, observation, law    
            (C)P Observation, hypothesis, deduction   (D)    Law, theory, observation
15.       It should be a general statement belongs to:
            (A)       Deduction       (B)P    Hypothesis         (C)       Theory             (D)       Experiment
16.       The scientific method in which biological problems are solved is:                                (SGD-G1)14
            (A)    Geological problem                             (B)P Biological method
            (C)    Non-biological method                       (D)    All of these             
17.       One liter of ethanol weight ___ gram.                                                   (FBD-G1)16, (FBD-G2)-18
            (A)       700                  (B)       1000                   (C)P    789                  (D)       989
18.       Freezing Point of water is:
            (A)       100o                 (B)       2000                    (C)P    0o                     (D)       70o          
19.       Which one of the characteristics is not a good hypothesis?                 (RWP-G1)-12 (LHR-G2)-15
            (A)    Must be consistent with available detail      (B)     Must be testable
            (C)P Must be correct                                            (D)     Must have prediction
20.       If plasmodium is the cause of malaria, then all persons ill with malaria should have plasmodium in their blood. The above statement is a:                                                                                  (LHR-G2)-13
            (A)       Hypothesis      (B)P    Deduction          (C)       Theory             (D)       Law        
21.       Dengue fever is transmitted by:                                      (FBD-G1)-13 (LHR-G2)16 (RWP-G1)-18
            (A)    Culex mosquito                                   (B)    Anopheles mosquito  
            (C)P Aedes mosquito                                  (D)    All of these
22.       Which disease had only treatment quinine from 17th to 20th century?                       (FBD-G2)-13
            (A)    Diarrhea                                              (B)P Malaria
            (C)    Cancer                                                 (D)    Diarrhea and malaria 
23.       In sparrows, malaria is spread by:                       (LHR-G2),(GUJ-G1),(RWP-G2)12 (SWL-G2)-13
(BWP-G2), (AJK-G1), (RWP-G1)-15 (LHR-G1),(MTN-G2)-16
            (A)P Culex mosquito                                   (B)    Anopheles mosquito
            (C)    Marshy areas                                       (D)    Viruses
24.       Infact quinine was the only effective remedy for malaria from 1th century to _____ century.
            (A)       18th                 (B)       19th                    (C)P    20th                 (D)       21th
25.       The bark of which tree was found very suitable for curing malaria?   (BWP-G2)-13 (MTN-G2)-14
            (A)       Cedrus             (B)       Pinus                  (C)P    Cinchona         (D)       Cactus
26.       Chemical found in the bark of cinchona plant is:                                    (GUJ-G1)12 (AJK-G1)-13
            (A)       Aspirin            (B)       Adrenaline         (C)P    Quinine           (D)       Nicotine      
27.       A physician A.F.A King listed 20 observations in:
(LHR-G2)-14 (GUJ-G2)-15 (GUJ-G1)14 (GUJ-G2)15
            (A)    1884 A.D        (B)P 1883 A.D           (C)    1882 A.D        (D)    1885 A.D
28.       Responsible for malaria fever is:
(SWL-G2), (LHR-G1)-14 (DGK-G1), (FBD-G1)-15 (GUJ-G2)16
            (A)       Paramecium     (B)       Amoeba              (C)P    Plasmodium    (D)       Virus
29.       “Plasmodium is the cause of malaria.” This statement is:                     (RWP-G2)-14 (SWL-G1)-17
            (A)       Law                 (B)       Theory                (C)       Deduction       (D)P    Hypothesis
30.       An effective drug for malaria is:                                                                                  (BWP-G1)-14
            (A)       Disprin            (B)       Actified              (C)P    Quinine           (D)       Theragram
31.       The hypothesis which are often tested and never rejected becomes:
(LHR-G1),(GUJ-G2)12 (SGD-G1)-13 (FBD-G2)-14 (GUJ-G1)15 (MTN-G2)-18
            (A)       Law                 (B)P    Theories              (C)       Results            (D) None of these
32.       Logical results of hypothesis are called: (RWP-G1)-14 (RWP-G2), (DGK-G2)-15 (GUJ-G2) (DGK-G2)-18
            (A)       Problem           (B)       Experiment         (C)       Deduction       (D)P    Law
33.       The basic step of biological method is:                         (RWP-G1)-12 (MTN-G1)-14 (BWP-G1)-18
            (A)    Hypothesis                                          (B)    Deductions
            (C)P Observations                                       (D)    Experimentation
34.       Anopheles mosquito causes a disease:                         (RWP-G2)-12 (DGK-G2)-14 (MTN-G1)-16
            (A)       Dengue fever  (B)P    Malaria fever      (C)       Typhoid fever (D)       Flue fever           
35.       Man always remained as:                                                                                             (BWP-G1)-14
            (A)       Chemist           (B)P    Biologist             (C)       Geologist         (D)       Scientist
36.       The bark of which plant contains Quinine?                                                                  (SWL-G1)-15
            (A)       Manog tree      (B)       Pinus                  (C)P    quina quina      (D)       Quava tree
37.       The branch of which tree was very suitable for curing malaria?                                  (LHR-G1)-15
            (A)       Cedrus             (B)P    Cinchona            (C)       Pinus               (D)       Cactus 
38.       Ronald Ross performed experiments in:                                                                      (BWP-G2)-15
            (A)       1878                (B)P    1880                   (C)       1885                (D)       1888
39.       Biological method comprises of steps:                                                                         (MTN-G2)-15
            (A)       5                      (B)       6                         (C)P    7                      (D)       8
40.       A litre of water is heavier than:                                                                                     (AJK-G1)-15
            (A)       Milk                 (B)       Acid                   (C)       Oil                   (D)P    Ethanol
41.       French Army Physician who worked on malaria in 1878:
(LHR-G1),(GUJ-G2)-12 (SGD-G1)-15 (SGD-G1)-17
            (A)P    Laveran           (B)       Ronald Ross       (C)       A.F.A King     (D)       Mendal
42.       Meaning of aria is:                                                                                (SWL-G1)-17 (SWL-G2)-18
            (A)P    Air                   (B)       Smoke                (C)       Odour              (D)       Smell
2.2     Data Organization and Data Analysis
43.       Proportion mean to join two equal ratio by the sign of:
            (A)       =                      (B)       +                         (C)P    ÷                      (D)       ×
2.1     Biological Methods
1.         Quantitative observation is more accurate than Qualitative. Why?
(LHR-G1)-13 (GUJ-G1),(GUJ-G2)-12
(RWP-G1), (MTN-G2),(GUJ-G1)-14 (LHR-G2)-15 (BWP-G2)-16 (LHR-G1)-17
Ans.    Quantitative observations are considered more accurate than qualitative one because the former are invariable and measurable and can be recorded in terms of numbers.
2.         How we can say man has always been a biologist?      (MTN-G2), (GUJ-G1)-13 (AJK-G2)-14
Ans.    Man has always been a biologist. He had to be a biologist in order to live. The more he knew about animals and their habitat, the more successful hunter he was. Biological method has played an important part in scientific research for almost 500 years. From Galileo's experiment (in the 1590s) to current research, the biological method has contributed to the advancements in medicine, ecology, technology etc. Biological method also ensures the quality of data for public use.
3.         What is meant by biological problem?                                                                                           
(FBD-G1), (SGD-G1)-14 (BWP-G2)-15 (GUJ-G2)-16 (MTN-G1)-17
Ans.    A biological problem is a question related to living organisms that is either asked by someone or comes in biologist's mind by himself.
4.         Differentiate  between  control  and experimental group.
(LHR-G1), (FBD-G2), (MTN-G2), (DGK-G2)-14 (RWP-G2), (FBD-G1)(BWP-G2)-15 (RWP-G1)(SWL-G1)-18
Ans.    Control Group: Group of healthy persons called control group.
            Example: In an experiment to test a necessity of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis plant with freely available carbon dioxide is control group.
            Experimental Group: Group of effected persons called experimental group.
            Example: In an experiment to test necessity of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis a plant with no O2 available is experimental group.
5.         Write down the names of steps included in biological method.
(LHR-G1)-12 (SGD-G2)-13 (AJK-G2)-15
Ans.    To solve a problem in biology, a biologist takes following steps:
            1.      Recognition of biological problem.
            2.      Observations
            3.      Hypothesis formulation
            4.      Deductions
            5.      Experimentation
            6.      Summarization of results (create tables, graphics)
            7.      Reporting the results
6.     Write characteristics of a hypothesis.
(LHR-G1)-12 (DGK-G2),(FBD-G1),(RWP-G2)-13 (DGK-G2),(GUJ-G1)-14
(RWP-G2),(AJK-G1),(LHR-G1),(GUJ-G1)-15 (LHR-G2),(LHR-G2)-16 (BWP-G2)-17 (DGK-G1)(BWP-G1)-18
Ans.    A good hypothesis should have the following characteristics.
            1.      It should be a general statement.
            2.      It should be a tentative idea.
            3.      It should agree with available observations.
            4.      It should be kept as simple as possible.
            5.      It should be testable and potentially feasible.
7.         What is biological method?                                           (BWP-G1),(SWL-G2)-13 (MTN-G1)-14
(BWP-G1),(DGK-G1)-15 (MTN-G1)-16 (LHR-G2)-17
Ans.    The scientific method in which biological problems are solved called biological method.
8.         What is incubation periods?                (RWP-G2)-13 (MTN-G1),(MTN-G2)-16 (DGK-G2)-17
Ans.    The period between the entry of parasite in host and appearance of symptoms of disease.
9.         What is female Anopheles and to which disease it relates?                                   (DGK-G1)-13
Ans.    Female Anopheles is a mosquito and it relates to malaria.
10.    Write down the important observations of A.F.A King.
(DGK-G2),(SWL-G1 ),(SGD-G1 )-13(GUJ-G1)
(AJK-G2),(LHR-G2), (GUJ-G2)-14,(AJK-G1J-15
Ans.    Some important observations of A.F.A. King water:
            1.      People who slept outdoors were more likely to get malaria than those who slept indoors.
            2.      People who slept under fine nets were less likely to get malaria than those who did not use such nets.
            3.      Individuals who slept near a smoky fire usually did not get malaria.
11.       What were the four major observations of malaria in the last part of 19th century?
(GUJ-G1)-12 (AJK-G2)-13 (BWP-G1)-14 (AJK-G1), (DGK-G1), (FBD-G1)-15
Ans.    Observation
            1 .      Malaria and marshy areas have some relation.
            2.      Quinine is an effective drug for treating malaria.
            3.      Drinking the water of marshes does not cause malaria.
            4.      Plasmodium is seen in the blood of malarial patients.
12.       Write the two control of malaria.                                                                             (SWL-G1)-17
Ans.    Malaria can be controlled by the prevention of Mosquito bite and avoid the plasmodium transfer.
13.       Explain deduction.
OR      Write two words for deduction.                                                           (RWP-G2), (LHR-G2)-12
(FBD-G2),(SWL-G2), (GUJ-G2),(LHR-G1),(DGK-G1)-13
(GUJ-G1)-14,(MTN-G2),(DGK-G2),(SGD-G1)-15 (BWP-G1), (LHR-G1), (SWL-G2)-17 (LHR-G1,G2)-18
Ans.    Deductions are the logical consequences of hypothesis. For this purpose a hypothesis is taken as true and expected results (deductions) are drawn from it. General in biological method, if a particular hypothesis is true then one should expect (deduction) a certain result. This involves the use of "if-then" logic.
14.       Define hypothesis.                                                                               (GUJ-G1)-15 (GUJ-G1)-18
Ans.    Tentative explanation of observations is called hypothesis.
15.       What is scientific law? Give two examples.
(LHR-G2)-12 (LHR-G1),(BWP-G2)-13(SWL-G2),(DGK-G1)-14
(BWP-G1)-15 (GUJ-G1),(BWP-G1), (BWP-G2)-16 (SWL-G2), (SGD-G2)-17 (FBD-G1,G2)(GUJ-G2)-18
Ans.    Productive theory keeps on suggesting new hypothesis and so testing goes on. Many biologists take it as a challenge and exert greater efforts to disprove the theory. If a theory survives such doubtful approach and continues to be supported by experimental evidence, it becomes a law or principle. A scientific law is a uniform or constant fact of nature. It is an irrefusable theory. Examples of biological laws are Hardy-Weinberg law and Mendel's laws of inheritance.
16.       Define theory.                             (FBD-G2)-13 (AJK-G1),(RWP-G2),(LHR-G1),(SWL-G1)-14
(GUJ-G2),(LHR-G1)-15 (SWL-G2),(RWP-G2),(LHR-G1)-17 (GUJ-G2)-18
Ans.    When a hypothesis is given a repeated exposure to experimentation and is not falsified, it increases biologists' confidence in hypothesis. Such well-supported hypothesis may be used as the basis for formulating further hypothesis which are again proved by experimental results. The hypothesis that stand the test of time (often tested and never rejected), are called theories. A theory is supported by a great deal of evidence.
17.       How reporting the results occurs? (AJK-G1)-13 (RWP-G2)-14 (RWP-G1), (SGD-G1)-17 (MTN-G2)-18
Ans.    Biologists publish their findings in scientific journals and books, in talks at national and international meetings and in seminars at colleges and universities.
18.    What is the relation of Cinchona with quina-quina?                       (FBD-G1)-14,   (AJK-G2)-15
Ans.    Cinchona: Many plants from America were sent back to Europe to be used as medicines. The bark of a tree known as quina-quina was very suitable for curing fevers. It was so beneficial that soon it was impossible to carry enough bark to Europe. Some dishonest merchants began to substitute the bark of another tree, cinchona which closely resembled quina-quina. This dishonesty proved much valuable for mankind. Cinchona bark was found to be excellent for treating malaria.
19.       Differentiate between deduction and theory.                                                          (LHR-G2)-17
It is a logical consequence of hypothesis.
It is a repeated exposure of hypothesis to experiment.
20.       Describe the experiment of Ronald Ross on sparrow.     (GUJ-G2),(RWP-G1),(RWP-G2)-12
Ans.    Ross used sparrows. He allowed a female Culex Mosquito to bite on the sparrows suffering from malaria. Some of the mosquitoes were killed and studied at various times. Ross found that plasmodium multiplied in the walls of mosquito stomach and than moved into mosquitoes salivary glands. Ross found that the saliva of the infected mosquito contained plasmodium and these entered the sparrow’s blood.
21.    Write down contribution of French army physician Laveran.       (RWP-G2)-12 (RWP-G1)-14
Ans.    In 1878, a French army physician Laveran began to search for "cause" of malaria. He took a small amount of blood from a malarial patient and examined it under microscope. He noticed some tiny living creatures. His discovery was not believed by other scientists. Two years later, another physician saw the same creatures in the blood of another malarial patient. Three years after the second discovery, the same creatures were observed for third time. The organism was given a name Plasmodium.
22.       Write the role and observations of A.F.A King.
(GUJ-G2)-14 (DGK-G1),(SWL-G1),(MTN-G1)-17
Ans.    In 1883 A.F.A king listed 20 observations. On the bases of his observations king suggested a hypothesis.
            "Mosquitoes transmit plasmodium and so are involved in the spread of Malaria"
23.       Define scientific method.                                              (SGD-G2),(DGK-G1)-14, (RWP-G1)-15
Ans.    The method which is used by all scientists to solve a problem called scientific method.
24.       Describe the meaning of words "mala" and "aria".                                              (LHR-G2)-14
Ans.    The Italian words "Mala" means bad and "aria" mean air.
25.       What is meant by productive theory?                     (LHR-G2)-14 (BWP-G1)-17 (DGK-G1)-18
Ans.    The theory that keep on suggesting new hypothesis and so testing goes on called productive theory.
26.       Write two examples of biological laws.                                           (MTN-G1)-14 (DGK-G1)-17
Ans.    i)    Hardy-Weinberg Law 
            ii)   Mendel's Law
27.       What is meant by observation? What is their number?                 (GUJ-G1)-15 (RWP-G1)-18
Ans.    As the first step in solving a biological problem, biologist recalls his/her previous observations or makes new ones. Observations are made with five senses of vision, hearing, smell, taste and touch.
28.     Define theory and law.                                                                                              
(RWP-G1)-14 (LHR-G2),(GUJ-G2),(SGD-G2)-15 (LHR-G2),(MTN-G2)-16
(BWP-G1), (GUJ-G2), (GUJ-G1), (RWP-G2)-17
Ans.    Theory: When a hypothesis is given a repeated exposure to experimentation and is not falsified, it increases biologists' confidence in hypothesis. Such well-supported hypothesis may be used as the basis for formulating further hypotheses which are again proved by experimental results. The hypothesis that stand the test of time (often tested and never rejected), are called theories. A theory is supported by a great deal of evidence.
            Law: Productive theory keeps on suggesting new hypothesis and so testing goes on. Many biologists take it as a challenge and exert greater efforts to disprove the theory. If a theory survives such doubtful approach and continues to be supported by experimental evidence. It becomes a law or principle. A scientific law is a uniform or constant fact of nature. It is an irrefusable theory. Examples of biological laws are Hardy-Weinberg law and Mendel's laws of inheritance.
29.       Write the name of organisms which spread dengue.                                               (GUJ-G1)-17
Ans.    Mosquito (Aedes)
30.       Differentiate between Culex and Aedes mosquitoes.                      (RWP-G1)-12 (GUJ-G2)-15
Ans.    Culex mosquitoes: Culex mosquitoes are responsible for malaria.
            Aedes mosquitoes: Aedes mosquitoes are responsible for dengue fever.
30.       Why female mosquito inject saliva in to wound before drawing blood. (DGK-G2)-18
Ans.    A female mosquito inject a small amount of saliva in to the wound before drawing blood. So that the saliva prevent the blood clotting in her food canal.
31.       Why do we do itching after biting the mosquito?                             (LHR-G2)(GUJ-G2)-18
Ans.    When the female mosquito pierces the skin of any person with her mouth part, she inject saliva which cause itching.
32.       How does Aedes mosquito spread Dengue fever?                                        (LHR-G1-18)
Ans.    When Aedes mosquito bites on skin of any person it inject the saliva in to the person, which contain the germs of Dengue fever, which latter cause Dengue fever.
33.       How you can save yourself by dengue.                                                                    (SWL-G1)-17
Ans.    You can protect by dengue.
1.         Protect yourself against the mosquito.
2.         Prevent mosquito breeding inside and outside you home.
3.         Avoid to dress half sleeves clothes.
34.       Write the effect of dengue fever in platelets.                                                            (SDG-G2)-17
In dengue rapid decline in platelets take place because the lyses (breakdown) of the platelets.
2.2     Data Organization and Data Analysis
35.       What are different formats of data organization?   (AJK-G1)-13 (AJK-G1)-14 (GUJ-G2)-16
Ans.    In order to formulate and then to test hypothesis, scientists collect and organize data. Prior to conducting an experiment, it is very important for a scientist to describe data collection methods. It ensures the quality of experiment. Data is organized in different formats like graphics, tables, flow charts, maps and diagrams.
36.       What is the importance of Data analysis in biological method? (DGK-G1)-18
Ans.    Data analysis is necessary to prove or disprove a hypothesis by experimentation in biological method. It is very important step as it transforms raw data in to information. These information can be used to summarize and report the results.
2.3     Mathematics An Integral Part of Scientific process
37.       What is bio-informatics?                   (RWP-G1)-14 (SGD-G1)-15 (DGK-G2)-17 (FBD-G2)-18
Ans.    Bioinformatics refers to the computational and statistical techniques for the analysis of biological data.
38.       Define ratio and proportion.         (MTN-G2)-15 (RWP-G1), (GUJ-G1, G2)-17 (SGD-G1)-18
Ans.    Ratio: It is defined as the relation between two similar quantities by division.
            Proportion: Proportion means to join two equal ratios by the sign of equality (=). For example; a : b = c : d is a proportion between the two ratios. This proportion may also be expressed as a : b :: c : d. When three values in a proportion are known, the fourth one (X) can be calculated.
39.       Describe the few symptoms of dengue fever.                                  (SDC G1)-17, (LHR G2)-17
            Symptoms of dengue fever include severe joint and muscle pain, swollen lymph nodes, headache, fever, exhaustion, and rash. The presence of fever, rash and headache (the “dengue traid”) is characteristic of dengue fever.
40.       How dengue spreads.                                                                                                (DGK-G1)-17
Ans.    Dengue is spread through the bite of female mosquito (Aedes aegypti).

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LearningKiDunya: 9th Class Biology Chapter No 2 MCQs and Short Question Notes
9th Class Biology Chapter No 2 MCQs and Short Question Notes
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