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1.1 Introduction toBiology
1. The scientific study of plants is called: (RWP-G2)-14(DGK-G1)-15
(A) Histology
(B) Anatomy (C)
Zoology (D)P Botany
2. The scientific study of animals is called: (RWP-G2)-14(SGD-G1)(SWL-G1)-18
(A) Histology
(B) Anatomy (C)
Zoology P (D) Botany
3. The scientific study of living organism
is called: (SWL-G2)-13(LHR-G1)-16
(A) Physics
(B) Chemistry (C)P Biology (D) Farming
4. Histology is scientific study of:
(A) Organs (B) Cells (C) Muscles (D)P Tissues
5. The study of genes and their role in
inheritance is called: (BWP-G1)-13
(A) Histology (B) Anatomy
(C)P Genetics (D) Inheritance
6. The total number of elements in nature
are: (DGK-G1)-13
(A)P 92 (B) 93 (C) 91 (D) 90
7. The microscopic study of tissue is
(A) Physiology (B) Morphology (C)P Histology (D) Anatomy
8. The study of inheritance of
characteristics from one generation to the next generation is called:
(GUJ-G1)-12 (LHR-G2)-13
(A)P Genetics (B) Physiology (C) Cell biology (D) Entomology
9. The study of internal structure of
organisms called:
(RWP-G1)-15 (RWP-G1)14 (MTN-G2)-16
(A) Morphology
(B)P Anatomy
(C) Histology (D)
10. The study of insects is called: (SGD-G1), (DGK-G1)-13
(BWP-G1)-14 (LHR-G2)-12
(MTN-G2), (GUJ-G1)-15 (MTN-G2), (BWP-G1)-17, (LHR-G1),(GUJ-G2)-18
(A) Taxonomy (B)P Entomology (C) Biotechnology (D) Pharmacology
11. The study of fossils is called: (SGD-G2)-14
(A) Immunology (B) Pharmacology (C)P Paleontology (D) Parasitology
12. If a scientist is studying the method of
inserting human insulin gene in bacteria which branch of biology it may be: (RWP-G2),
(A) Anatomy (B) Physiology (C)P Biotechnology (D) Pharmacy
13. From which language the word Biology is
(FBD-G2)-14 (RWP-G2)-15 , (BWP-G2)-18
(A)P Greek (B) Urdu (C) English
(D) German
14. The study of internal structure is
(MTN-G2), (RWP-G1),(SWL-G2),(GUJ-G2)-14
(A) Morphology
(B) Taxonomy (C)P Anatomy (D) Entomology
15. Study of drugs and their effects on human
body is called: (BWP-G2)-16
(A)P Pharmacology (B) Entomology (C) Parasitology (D) Sociobiology
16. Economically study of animals is called: (SWL-G1)-13,
(A) Biophysics (B) Biochemistry
(C) Biogeography (D)P Bioeconomics
17. Horticulture belongs to: (DGK-G1)-13
(SWL-G2)-14 (SGD-G1)-17
(A)P Gardening (B) Poultry (C) Fisheries (D) Medicine
18. Abdul Malik Asma was born in: (SWL-G1)-13
(A) 721
AD (B) 780 AD (C)P 740 AD (D) 980 AD
19. ___________ first Muslim who studied
animals in detail: (BWP-G2)-15
, (DGK-G1)-18
(A) Bu
Ali Sina (B) Jabir Bin Hayan
(C)P Abdul Malik Asmai (D) None
of these
20. Famous book Al-Abal was written by: (LHR-G1)-14
(MTN-G2), (SWL-G1)-17
(A) Jabir Bin Hyaan (B)P Abdul
Malik Asmai
(C) Bu Ali Sina (D) Darwin
21. The founder of Medicine is: (MTN-G1)-13, (SGD-G2)-14
(GUJ-G2)12 (LHR-G2)16
(A) Jabir Bin Hyan (B) Alrazi (C)P Bu
Ali Sina (D) Aristotle
22. Jabir Bin Hayan was born in:
(RWP-G1)-15 (LHR-G2)-14(LHR-G1)-16 (BWP-G2)-18
(A) Iraq (B)P Iran
(C) Pakistan (D) England
23. We made every living thing with: (FBd-G2)-18
(A) Food (B) dirt (C) sand (D)P water
24. The author of Al-Qanoon fil-Tib is:
(RWP-G1)-14 (BWP-G2), (GUJ-G2)-15
(GUJ-G2)-16 (DGK-G2)-17
(A) Ali
Ibn-e-Sina (B) Jabir
Bin Hayan
(C)P Bu
Ali Sina (D) Abdul
Malik Asmai
25. The number of bio elements in nature is: (DGK-G1)-15,
(A) 13 (B) 14 (C) 15 (D)P 16
26. The study of the function of different
parts of living organisms is called: (MTN-G2)-15
(A) Morphology (B) Anatomy (C) Histology (D)P Physiology
27. Zoology deals with: (AJK-G2)-15
(A) Plants (B)P Animals (C) Atom (D) Cell
28. It deals with compounds of living
organism: (SGD-G2)-15
(A) Biophysics (B)P Biochemistry (C) Bio economic (D) Biometry
29. Book of Bu Ali Sina on medicine is: (SGD-G2)-15
(GUJ-G1)12 (RWP-G1)-18
(A) Al-Nabatat (B) Al-Wahoosh
(C)P Al-Qanun-Fial-Tib (D) Al-Haywan
1.2 Levels of Organization of Organisms
30. The molecules which have low molecular
weight are called: (BWP-G2)-13
(A) Macromolecules
(B)P Micromolecules
(C) Organic
Molecules (D) Inorganic
31. The number of bioelements in nature is: (BWP-G2)-13 (DGK-G1)-14 (MTN-G1),(MTN-G2)-16
(A) 13 (B) 14 (C) 15 (D)P 16
32. Organelles assemble to form:
(A) Organ (B) Systems (C) Tissues (D)P Cells
33. Mustard plant is sown in: (BWP-G1)-13
(A)P Winter (B) Summer (C) Spring (D) Autumn
34. Which of these bioelements is in the
highest percentage in protoplasm?
(FBD-G2)-14 (AJK-G1),(LHR-G2)-15 (BWP-G2)-16
(A) Carbon (B) Hydrogen
(C)P Oxygen (D) Nitrogen
35. When we study the feeding relation among
animals of different species of a forest, at which level of organization we
are? (RWP-G1)-13
(A) Individual (B) Population
(C)P Community (D) Biosphere
36. Member of the same species living in the
same place at same time, which level they form?
(SGD-G1), (RWP-G2)-13 (GUJ-G2)-14
(LHR-G2)-15 (RWP-G2)-18
(A) Habitat (B) Biosphere (C) Community (D)P Population
37. The portion of earth inhibited by
communities is called: (SWL-G2)-13
(A) Habitat (B)P Biosphere (C) Ecosystem (D) Population
38. The element mostly present in an
individual is: (LHR-G1)-13
(A) Nitrogen (B) Oxygen (C)P Carbon (D) Hydrogen
39. _________ tissue also makes the glandular
tissue in animals. (MTN-G1)
(A) Muscular Tissue (B) Connective
(C)P Epithelial
Tissue (D) Nervous Tissue
40. _________ is a low molecular weight
micromolecule. (BWP-G2)-15
(A)P Water (B) Lipids (C) Proteins (D) Starch
41. Example of micromolecule is: (FBD-G1)-13
(BWP-G1)-16 (SWL-G2)-17
(A)P Glucose (B) Starch (C) Lipids (D) Proteins
42. The element that makes 65% of the total
mass of living organisms is: (MTN-G2)-13
(A) Hydrogen (B) Carbon (C)P Oxygen (D) Nitrogen
43. Level of organization that is less
definite in plants is: (MTN-G2),
(RWP-G1)-13, (RWP-G2)-15
(A) Organism
level (B)P Organ
system level
(C) Organ
level (D) Tissue level
44. In which organism colonial organization
is present? (AJK-G1)-13
(BWP-G1),(BWP-G2)-14 (LHR-G1) ( DGK –G2)-18
(A) Amoeba (B) Paramecium (C) Euglena (D)P Volvox
45. Reproductive organ of the plant is: (GUJ-G1)-13,
(LHR-G1), (GUJ-G1)-15
(A) Root (B) Stem (C) Leaf
(D)P Flower
46. What is true about volvox? (GUJ-G2)-13 (SWL-G1)-14 (GUJ-G2)-16 (RWP-G1)-17
(A) Unicellular prokaryotes (B) Unicellular eukaryotes
(C)P Colonial eukaryotes (D) Multicellular eukaryotes
47. The first Muslim scientist who detailed
studied animals was: (DGK-G2), (MTN-G1)-13
(A) Jabir
Bin Hayan (B)P Abdul
Malik Asmai
(C) Bu
Ali Sina (D) Al-Razi
48. In 2010, the population of humans in
Pakistan is: (DGK-G2)-13
(FBD-G2)-14 (LHR-G2)-18
(A)P 173.5
million persons (B) 17
million Persons
(C) 19.5
million Person (D) 10.07
million persons
49. Which one of the following is
macromolecule? (SWL-G1),(SGD-G1)-15
(A) glucose (B) Water (C) hydrogen
(D)P Starch
50. Unicellular is: (SWL-G1)-15(LHR-G1)16
(A) “Rabbit (B)P Euglena (C) Horse (D) Frog
51. The scientific name Brassica compestris
is for the plant: (DGK-G2)-15
(A) Mango (B)P Mustard (C) Apple (D) Mollon
52. Cells performing similar functions
arranged into groups are called:
(MTN-G1)-15 (BWP-G1)-16
(A) Organism (B) Organ system (C) Organ (D)P Tissues
53. Similar cells organized into groups and
performing same functions are known as:
(A) Organelle (B)P Tissue (C) Organ system (D) Organ
54. An example of organ is: (FBD-G1)-15
(A) Neuron (B) Electron (C) Carbon (D)P Stomach
55. An example of bio molecule is: (FBD-G1)-15
(A) Proton (B)P Protein (C) Iodine (D) Chlorine
56. Which of the tissues make the glandular
tissue in animals? (FBD-G2)-15
(A)P Epithelial (B) Connective
(C) Muscular (D) Nervous
57. Transpiration of kidneys is example of: (DGK-G1)-17
(A) Medicine (B) Morphology (C) Physiology (D)P Surgery
58. Branch of biology which deals with the
study of classification of organisms and their evolutionary history is called: (DGK-G2)-17
(A) Taxonomy (B)P Systematics (C) Genetics (D) Bioinformatics
59. Gardening relates to the profession. (SWL-G1)-17
(A) Horticulture (B) Forestry (C) Agriculture (D) Farming
60. The highest level of biological
organization is: (SWL-G2)-17
(A) Species (B) Tissue (C) Ecosystem (D) P Biosphere
61. __________ water makes composition of the
protoplasm of all living things.
(A) 90
– 100% (B) 80 -
90% (C) 70 -
80% (D) P 60 - 70%
62. The study of insects is called: (RWP-G2)-17
(A) Parasitology (B) Pharmacology (C) Entomology
P (D) Histology
63. The famous book Al-Nabatat was written
by: (RWP-G2)-17
(A) Bu-Ali-SinaP(B) Jabir
bin Hayan (C) Abdul Malik (D) Ibn-e-Nafees
64. The basic unit of classification is: (LHR-G1)-17
(A) Phylum (B) Class (C) Species P (D) Order
65. Breeding of cow belongs to: (LHR-G2)-17
(A) Farming (B)
P Animal Husbandry (C) Morphology (D) Genetics
66. Which of the following Organisms has
Colonial Organization: (BHP-G1)-17
(A) Mustard
Plant (B) Frog (C) Amoeba (D)P Volvox
1. What is science? (RWP-G2)-14
Ans. Science is the study in which observations
are made, experiments are done and logical conclusions are drawn in order to
understand the principles of nature.
2. What is meant by bio economics? (MTN-G2)-16
Ans. It deals with the study of organisms from economical point of
3. What is immunology?
Ans. Immunology is the branch of biology which
deals with the study of the immune system of animals, which defends the body
against invading microbes.
4. Write achievements of Bu Ali Sina in biology.
Ans. Bu Ali Sina (980-1037 AD): He is honored as
the founder of medicine and called as Avicenna in the West. He was a physician,
philosopher, astronomer and Poet. One of his books "Al -Qanun- fi
al-Tib" is known as the canon of medicine in West.
5. Write down the definition of biology?
Ans. The
scientific study of living organisms is called biology.
6. What is meant by fossils? (SGD-G2)-14
Ans. Fossils are remains of extinct organisms and
the study of fossils is called paleontology.
7. What
is difference between zoology and botany?
(RWP-G2), (AJK-G2),(LHR-G1)-13 (DGK-G1)
(BWP-G1), (LHR-G2)-15 (LHR-G2)-17 (SGD-G2)-18
Ans. Zoology: Zoology is the major division
of biology which deals with the study of animals.
Botany is the division of biology which deals with the study of plants.
8. Name any four careers in biology. (LHR-G1)-13
Ans. (i) Medicine (ii) Fisheries
(iii) Agriculture (iv) Animal Husbandry
9. Define entomology. (BWP-G1)-14
Ans. Entomology is the study of insects, like
cockroaches, ants etc.
10. What do you mean by parasitology and biotechnology?
(RWP-G2)-13 (LHR-G2)-15
Ans. Parasitology: Parasitology deals with the study of
parasites like study of plasmodium.
Biotechnology: Biotechnology
deals with the practical application of the living organisms to make substances
for the welfare of mankind like production of insulin from bacteria.
11. What
is meant by taxonomy? (LHR-G1)-12 (MTN-G1)-14
(SWL-G2)-17 (FBD-G1)(GUJ-G1)-18
Ans. Taxonomy: It is the study of the naming
and classification of organisms into groups and subgroups.
12. Differentiate between Environmental
Biology and Cell Biology. (MTN
Ans. Environmental Biology: It deals with
the study of the interactions between the organisms and their environment.
Cell Biology: The study of the structures and
functions of cells and cell organelles is called cell biology. This branch also
deals with the study of cell division.
13. Define pharmacology and immunology.
Pharmacology: The study of
medicines and drugs, including their action, their use and their effects on the
The branch of science dealing with the components of the immune system,
immunity from disease, the immune response, and immunologic techniques of
14. Differentiate between microbiology and morphology.
(GUJ-G1),(GUJ-G2),(AJK-G1),(LHR-G1)-15 (GUJ-G1)-17
Ans. Microbiology: Microbiology is a major
division of biology which deals with the study of microorganisms such as
bacteria, viruses, protozoa, etc.
Morphology: Morphology deals
with the study of the structures and shapes of living organisms.
15. Define
(LHR-G2)-12 (GUJ-G2)-13 (GUJ-G2),(LHR-G1)-14 (SGD-G2)-15 (LHR-G1)-17
Ans. The study of chemistry of different compounds
and chemical processes occurring in living organisms is known as biochemistry.
Example: Photosynthesis,
digestion of food and respiration.
16. Write names of three main divisions of
(RWP-G2)-12(FBD-G1)-13 (GUJ-G1),(FBD-G1)-14
Ans. Three main divisions of biology are given
(i) Zoology
(This division of biology deals with the study of animals).
(ii) Botany
(This division of biology deals with the study of plants).
(iii) Microbiology (The division of biology deals with the study of
microorganisms such as bacteria etc.).
17. What are major biological issues now-a-days?
(MTN-G2)-13 (SWL-G1), (AJK-G1), (RWP-G1),(GUJ-G1)14
Ans. Human population growth, infectious
diseases, addictive drugs and pollutions are the major biological issues
18. Define
biotechnology. (GUJ-G1)-12
(FBD-G2),(LHR-G2)-14 (LHR-G2)-15 (LHR-G2)-16 (GUJ-G1),
Ans. Biotechnology deals with the practical
application of the living organisms to make substances for the welfare of
19. Define
(MTN G1)-17 (GUJ-G1)-18
Ans. Physiology: This branch
deals with the study of the functions of different parts of living organisms.
20. Define
Genetics. (DGK-G2)-13,
(RW-G1)-15 (RWP-G1)-17
Ans. The study of genes and their roles in
inheritance is called genetics. Inheritance means the transmission of
characters from one generation to the other.
21. From which two Greek words the word biology
is made? (SWL-G2)-13
Ans. The word biology is derived from two Greek
words i.e. "bios" meaning "life" and "logos"
meaning "thought or reasoning".
22. What
is meant by molecular biology? (FBD-G1)-13
(SDG-G1), (RW-G2)-14
Ans. The study of molecules of life called
molecular biology like, Protein, carbohydrates.
23. Define
sociobiology. (SGD-G1)-13
Ans. Sociobiology is the branch of biology that
deals with the study of social behavior of animals that make societies.
24. Define
genes. (SGD-G2)-13
Ans. Genes is unit of inherit. It transform
genetic information’s from generation to generation.
25. Differentiate between cell biology and histology. (RWP-G1)-12 (DGK-G1)-13 (GUJ-G1)-14
(GUJ-G1),(BWP-G1)-16 (SWL-G1)-17
Ans. Cell Biology: The study of the structures
and functions of cells and cell organelles is called biology. This branch also
deals with the study of cell division.
The microscopic study of tissues is called histology.
26. Explain medicine / surgery, career in biology. (BWP-G1)-13
Ans. Medicine Surgery: The profession of
medicine deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in human.
In surgery the arts of the body may be repaired, replaced or removed.
Example: The removal of stones
through renal surgery. Transplantation of kidney, liver etc. Both these
professions are studied in the same basic course (MBBS) and then students go
for specializations.
What do you mean by horticulture
and how it is related to agriculture?
(RWP-G2)-15 (DGK-G1), (FBD-G1)-17
Ans. Horticulture: Horticulture profession
includes the art of gardening. It is relate to agriculture because a
horticulturist works for the betterment of existing varieties and for the
reduction of new varieties of ornamental plants and fruit plants.
28. What is biogeography? (BWP-G2)-13
(GUJ-G1),(MTN-G2)-14 (GUJ-G2)-15
Ans. Biogeography is the study of occurrence
and distribution of different species of living organisms in different
geographical regions of the world. It allies the knowledge of the
characteristics of particular geographical regions to determine the
characteristics of living organisms found there.
29. Describe the work of Abdul Malik Asmai in
biology. (SGD-G1)-17
Ans. He is the first Muslim scientist who studied
animals in detail. His famous writing include Al-Abil, Al-Khail, Al-Wahoosh
& Kalqal-Insan.
30. Name
famous books of Jabar Bin Hayan and Abdul Malik Asmai.
(SWL-G1),(FBD-G1), (RW-G2), (FBD-G2)-13
(GUJ-G1),(FBD-G1)-14 (DGK-G1)-15 (DGK-G1)-17 (DGK-G1)-18
Ans. AI-Nabatat and AI-Haywan are written by Jabir
Bin-Hayan (Books of Abdul Malik Asmai) Famous books written by Al- Abil
(Camel), AI-Khail (Hourses), Al-Wahoosh (animals), Kalqal Ansan Abdul Malik
31. Why
Jabir bin Hayan famous
OR write two inventions of
Jabir bin hayan? (SWL-G1)-18
Ans. Jabir bin Hayan was
born in Iran. He introduced experimental investigation in chemistry and also
wrote number of books on the plants and animals.
32. What are parasites? Give an example. (LHR-G2), (SGD-G1)-13 (FBD-G1)-14
Ans. Parasites are the organisms that take food
and shelter from living hosts and in return, harm their (hosts) lives.
33. Describe animal husbandry as career in
biology. (GUJ-G2)-12
Ans. Animal Husbandry: It is the branch of
agriculture concerned with the care and breeding of domestic animals
(livestock) e.g. cattle, sheep etc. professional courses in animal husbandry
can be adopted after the higher secondary education in biology.
34. Define bioinformatics. (LHR-G1)-16
Ans. It deals with the study of biological
processes using mathematical and computer techniques and tools.
35. Define
biometry. (FBD-G2),
Ans. Biometry: It deals with the study of
biological processes using mathematical techniques and tools. For example to
analyze the data gathered after experimental work, biologists have to play the
rules of mathematics.
36. What is farming? (FBD-G2)-15
Ans. Farming: It deals with the
development and maintenance of different types of farm. For example in some
farms animal breeding technologies are used for the reduction of animals which
are better protein and milk source. In poultry farms chicken and eggs are
produced. Similarly in fruit farms, different fruit yielding plants are grown.
A student who has gone through the professional course of agriculture, animal
husbandry or fisheries etc. can adopt this profession.
37. Define biophysics. (GUJ-G2)-12
(BWP-G2)-15 (GUJ-G1)-18
Ans. It deals with the study of principles of
physics, which are applicable to biological phenomena. For example there is a
similarity between the working principles of lever in physics and limbs of
animals in biology.
38. Define anatomy. (DGK-G1)-15
Ans. The study of internal structures called anatomy.
39. Define highest level in levels of
organization. (DGK-G2)-17
Ans. The highest
level in organization is biosphere level. The part of the Earth inhabited by organism’s
communities is known as biosphere.
40. Write down the name of
groups of biomolecules and give examples?
Ans. Biomolecules
in living organism combine through the ionic and covalent bond formation to
form stable particles known as biomolecules. Biomolecules has two types Micro
molecules and Macromolecules.
1.2 Levels
of Organization of Organisms
41. Write the names of vegetative organs of plants. (LHR-G1)-12 (GUJ-G2)-14 (LHR-G1)-15
Ans. Roots, stem branches and leaves are the vegetative
organs of plants, which do not take part in the sexual reproduction of the
42. Define habitat. (AJK-G1)-13,
(FBD-G2)-14 (RWP-G2)-17
Ans. Habitat means the area of the environment in which organism lives.
What is the scientific name of
mustard plant? Describe its two advantages.
(GUJ-G1), (SWL-G1), (SGD-G2), (SWL-G2)-13
(SWL-G2)-14 (DGK-G2)-15 (DGK-G2)-18
Ans. Mustard plant (scientific name: Brassica
campestris) is sown in winter and it produces seeds at the end of winter.
(i) The
plant body is used as vegetable.
(ii) Its
seeds are used for extracting oil.
44. Write
the names of six important bioelements. (SWL-G2)-17
Ans. Only six are biomolecules (O, C, H, N, Ca & P) make 99% of the total
45. Differentiate between micromolecules and macromolecules
with examples.
(AJK-G2)-13 (SGD-G2)-15
Give two examples of micromolecules
and macromolecules each.
(FBD-G2), (MTN-G1)-13 (AJK-G2), (SGD-G2), (LHR-G1)-14
(RW-G1),(BWP-G2)-15 (MTN-G1)(MTN-G2)-16
Ans. Micromolecules: molecules with low
molecular weight called micromoleculues.
Example: Glucose, water.
Macromolecules: Molecules
having high molecular weight called macromolecules.
Example: Starch, proteins and lipids.
46. Define
colonial organization and give an example.
(RWP-G2)-12 (GUJ-G1),(LHR-G1),(GUJ-G2)-13 (BWP-G1)-17
Ans. In colonial type of cellular organization,
many unicellular organisms live together but do not have any division of labour
among them. Each unicellular organism in a colony lives its own life and does
not depend on other cells for its vital requirements.
Example: Volvox is a green alga
found in water that shows colonial organization. Hundreds of volvox cells make
a colony.
47. What
is community level? Give an example.
(GUJ-G1)-13 (GUJ-G2),(DGK-G1)-14 (BWP-G2)-17
Ans. A community is assemble of different
populations, interacting with one another within the same environment.
Example: A forest may be
considered as a community. It includes different plant, microorganisms, fungi
and animal species.
48. Define
population. (MTN-G2)-14 (DGK-G2)-15
(RWP-G1)12 (GUJ-G2)-16 (DGK-G1)-17
Ans. A Population is defined as a group of
organisms of the same species located at the same place, in the same time.
Example: Human population in
Pakistan in 2010 comprises of 173.5 million individuals.
What is meant by bio-elements?
(RWP-G1)-12 (GUJ-G2)-13 (MTN-G2), (DGK-G2)-14
(GUJ-G2)-15 (SWL-G2)-18
Ans. Out of the 92 kinds of elements that occur
in nature. 16 are bioelements. These take art in making the body mass of a
living organisms. Out of these bioelements. 'Only six (O, H, N, Ca, and) make
99% of the total mass. Other ten (K, S, Cl, Na, Mg, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn and I) other
collectively make 01% of the total mass.
50. Define
tissue and organs. Give example of each.
(SGD-G1), (RW-G1),(FBD-G1), (GUJ-G1)-14 (AJK-G2)-15 (BWP-G1)-17
Ans. Tissues can be defined a tissue as a group
of similar cells specialized for the performance of a common function.
Example: Cardiac tissues and epithelial
Organs: In organism’s more than
one type of tissues having related functions are organized together and make a
unit, called organ.
Stomach, kidneys, lungs, etc. are organs.
51. Write
down the scientific name, of crow and frog. (MTN-G2), (DGK-G2)-13 (BWP-G1)-15
Ans. Frog:
Rana tigrina.
Crow: Corvus splendens
52. Write
down the scientific name of frog and two characteristic. (SGD-G2)-13
Ans. Frog (scientific name: Rana tigrina)
shows the multicellular organization. The body is made of organ systems and
each organ system consists of related organs. All the organs are made of
specific tissues (epithelial, glandular, muscular, nervous etc.).
53. What is species? Write an example. (SGD-G2), (AJK-G2)-13
(MTN-G2), (RWP-G1 ,G2)-17
Ans. A species is a group of organisms which can
interbreed freely among them and produce fertile offspring, but are
reproductively isolated from all other such groups in nature. Basic unit or
category of classification is "species". Example: Humans, donkey,
horse etc.
54. What is biosphere level? (RWL-G2)-13
(RW-G1)-15 (BWP-G2)-16 (MN-G1),(FBD-G2)-17 (BWP-G2)-18
Ans. The part of Earth inhabited by organism’s
communities is known as biosphere. It constitutes all ecosystems and is called
the zone of life on Earth.
55. Write
four names of unicellular organisms.
(SWL-G1), (RW-G2)-13 (MTN-G2),
(GUJ-G1)-14 (FBD-G1)-15
Ans. (i)
Amoeba (ii) Paramecium (iii)
Euglena (iv) Claymedomonas
56. Write down two names of each of plant and
animal tissues. (RWL-G1)-13
Ans. Ground and Vascular tissues are the plant
tissues. Nervous and Muscular tissues are the animal tissues.
57. What
is organ system? (BWP-G1)-13
(LHR-G1), (LHR-G2)-14
Ans. Organ System: Different organs
performing related functions are organized together in the form of an organ
system. In an organ system, each organ carries out its specific function and
the functions of all organs appear as the function of the organ system.
Example: Digestive system is an
organ system organism like oral cavity, stomach, small intestine, large
intestine, liver, and pancreas.
58. Name vegetative and reproductive parts of
mustard plant.
(GUJ-G2)-14 (RWP-G2)-15 (LHR-G2)-17
Ans. Reproductive parts; Flowers vegetative
arts: Roots, Stem, Branches
59. What is meant by unicellular organization? (LHR-G2)-12
Ans. Organism that consist of one cell called
unicellular organism, like paramecium.
60. Write
the importance or benefit of mustard plant. (MTN-G2)-15
Ans. The body of mustard plant is use as vegetable
and its seeds are used for extracting oil.
61. Difference
between the vegetative and reproductive organ? (FBD-G2)-18
Vegetative organ
Reproductive Organ
All organs in
the living organism which don’t take part in the sexual reproduction are
called as the Vegetative Organ
For example:
Root, Stem, Leaves, and branches
The organs
which take part in the sexual reproduction are called as the reproductive
For example:
flower, fruits, seeds etc.