--> Television Essay | Essay On Television Advantages And Disadvantages | Learning Ki dunya | LearningKiDunya

Television Essay | Essay On Television Advantages And Disadvantages | Learning Ki dunya

television essay for 10th class, 10 lines on television, essay on television 150 200 words, importance of television in points

Television Essay | Importance Of Television Essay | Essay On Television Advantages And Disadvantages

| Importance Of Television Essay |

Television is a good medium of communication that prevents us from communicating with each other. Glued to our seats we watch this one-eyed monster leaving our guests in the room, or turning an ear to our mother's call. Often our food is left uneaten and homework is undone. Our sleep is lost in "Alice Wonderland or in some unknown world where "Captain Planet" takes us on his shoulders.

After the Second World War, Baird invented it for us so that we might get knowledge with pleasure. But we have closed our eyes to all kinds of knowledge and have opened up our hearts to all types of vulgar pleasure. Before the invention of TV, we used to have creative hobbies. We used to entertain our friends and go outside for our amusement to cinemas, restaurants, parks, and playgrounds. We used to wait anxiously for the morning newspaper and liked to read books in our spare time. But now all these things have become dead tales of the past.

Now the children who used to hear stories from their mothers and grandmothers like to see cartoons, "Enak Wala Jin" and "Kids Club'. Mothers and grandmothers themselves are not in a mood to tell stories about ghosts and fairies. They are busy watching some Bajia's or Hosina Moeen's drama nagging one character and praising the other. Scenes of violence, rape, and mad car racing are the craze of our young people. Similarly, Dada and Nana Abbu are found enjoying "Ali must qalandar must must" with "Tasbeeh" in their hands and tossing their heads. Thus TV is encouraging passive enjoyment and cutting us off the real world.

But all this does not mean that TV has only bad aspects. It has many good aspects and effects. Many educational, scientific, historical, and political programs that are shown on TV are very interesting and informative. We are taken to any corner of the world where any game of our interest is being played. We are taught how a particular dish is cooked, how a particular disease can be prevented or cured, how our houses can be decorated without spending much money, and more about the social, economic, and spiritual life. So nothing about TV is good or bad; our thinking or the way we look at its programs makes it so.

Dish antenna or cable network has added to the importance of TV. But it has also brought some bad names to it. Now through dish antenna, we can travel throughout the world sitting in our home. Different channels of different countries show their cultural, political, and social programs. Some countries like India and Russia show such programs as are immoral, unethical, and obscene from our point of view. Such programs are causing sexual perversion and violence among the youth. The government should ban such channels.

Write a Short Essay on the topic Advantages and Disadvantages of "Television" (Minimum 150 Words)

Advantages and Disadvantage of Television

Advantages and Disadvantage of Television Essay For School Students

Gone are the days of the old-fashioned' entertainment. Television is an important invention of this century. Its great effect upon society is remarkable. It can be found in any city in the world.

Television does appreciable and efficient work for mankind. It is one of the greatest educators. Most ordinary people would have known little about documentary programs about foreign countries, instructional programs on engineering, science, medicine, and so on. To add to the knowledge of the pupils, in some parts of the world television, has been introduced in the classroom.

Television provides good entertainment, the greatest excitement, and creates an interest in the arts. Very good plays can be seen nowadays on television. The people no longer feel lonely and lost. Television entertains them and makes them happy. Unfortunately, it also has its disadvantages. People spend too much time in front of it. Children are likely to neglect their studies. If television has too strong a hold, even elderly people are likely to neglect some of their important work. When too much emphasis is given on violence, vice, and crime programs, it has a disastrous effect on the young.

But if this medium is used properly it can become an advantage and not a disadvantage to mankind. Then only it will gain the wide appreciation it deserves.


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LearningKiDunya: Television Essay | Essay On Television Advantages And Disadvantages | Learning Ki dunya
Television Essay | Essay On Television Advantages And Disadvantages | Learning Ki dunya
television essay for 10th class, 10 lines on television, essay on television 150 200 words, importance of television in points
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