--> Summary of the Poem "Peace" by Dr. Hartmann | Summary of the Poem Peace By Dr. Silvia Hartmann | English for Class 10 | LearningKiDunya

Summary of the Poem "Peace" by Dr. Hartmann | Summary of the Poem Peace By Dr. Silvia Hartmann | English for Class 10

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Summary of the Poem Peace By Dr. Silvia Hartmann | English for Class 10

Central Idea of poem Peace:

In this poem, the poetess says that nature teaches us lessons through wind, water, mountains, and light. Wind in the form of a storm smashes everything. In its rage, it destroys trees, fields, and buildings. But when the wind is gentle and cool it gives lives to buds, birds, and humans. We have to experience storms to enjoy peace.

A short summary of the poem Peace:

In this poem, the poetess describes that wind in the form of a storm smashes everything. In its rage, it destroys trees, fields, and buildings. But when the wind is gentle and cool it gives lives to buds, birds, and humans. In the same way, a person who faces hardships of life bravely and keeps on trying succeeds at last. Such a person is rewarded with eternal peace and pleasure.

Summary of poem Peace:

(For Ordinary Students)

"Peace" is a thought-provoking poem written by the pen of Dr. Hartmann'. Through this poem, the poet emphasizes the value of peace in society. She says wind has destructive as well as constructive features. If it blows hard, it thunders and breaks everything into pieces. It is stormy and does not care for man's efforts and achievements. It rakes and spins everything and throws it away. On the other hand, if the wind is gentle, it brings life to things. It is its originality. Its center is truth. Its thunder changes into a whisper and spreads peace and calm. Symbolically the poem describes that peace it eternal and war and destruction are temporary and unreal. The poem, with the help of wind, very successfully declares that peace is the only truth.

Summary of poem Peace:

(For Extraordinary Students)

"Peace" is a metaphor poem. In this poem, the poetess describes reality in disguise of metaphor. Everything likÄ™ wind has positive and negative aspects. Wind in the form of a storm smashes everything. In its rage, it destroys trees, fields, and buildings. But when the wind is gentle and cool it gives lives to buds, birds, and humans. We have to experience storms to enjoy peace. The poetess means to say that we should face hardships wisely, bravely, and courageously. A person who faces the difficulties of life bravely and keeps on trying succeeds at last. Hardships, sufferings, and difficulties of life help us to become stronger and stronger. A person, who considers these hardships positively, succeeds in the long run. He is rewarded with eternal peace and pleasure.

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LearningKiDunya: Summary of the Poem "Peace" by Dr. Hartmann | Summary of the Poem Peace By Dr. Silvia Hartmann | English for Class 10
Summary of the Poem "Peace" by Dr. Hartmann | Summary of the Poem Peace By Dr. Silvia Hartmann | English for Class 10
Here You Can read peace summary 10th class, peace summary 10th class quotations, peace summary quotations, peace summary quotation| Learning Ki dunya
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