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CSS General Knowledge MCQs | Css general knowledge mcqs with answers | Learning ki dunya

Learning ki dunya General Knowledge MCQs for NTS, CSS, PMS with answers. General Knowledge Multiple Choice Questions about pakistan.

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CSS General Knowledge

1. One-hour difference in local time between two places is equivalent to a difference of

(a) 10° longitude         (b) 15° longitude         (C) 15° latitude          (d) 20° latitude

2. The local time at a place is 6 a.m. when the G.M.T. is 3 am. the longitude of that place is

(a) 45 degrees east     (b) 45 degrees west     (C) 120 degrees east     (d) 120 degrees west

3. Upto about 50 km from the surface of the earth the atmosphere consists of approximately

(a) 78% oxygen and 21% nitrogen

b) 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen

(c) 68% oxygen and 32% nitrogen

(d) 33% oxygen and 66% oxygen

4.Name the instrument used for measuring humidity

(a) Barometer    (b) Thermometer        (c) Hygrometer             (d) Hydrometer

5.Most of the weather phenomena take place in which of the following layers of the atmosphere?

(a) Stratosphere (b) Mesosphere        (c) Tonosphere                 (d) Troposphere

6.That the earth is rotating on its axis is established by the fact that

(a) The moon and stars move in the sky

(b) The earth experiences day and night

(c) The planetary winds are blowing

(d) The time in different parts of the earth is not the same

7. Funnel-shaped clouds with violent whirlwinds are named as

(a) Tsunami         (b) Cirrus        (c) Tornado            (d) Stratus

8. The tropical cyclones often follow the direction of movement from:

(a) South to the north     (b) East to west    (c) West to east             (d) North to south

9. An upper wind system with very high velocities in the stratosphere is called

(a) A gcione         (b) An anticyclone        c) Monsoon         (d) Jet stream

10. The amount of water vapor (grams) in a given volume of air (cubic meter) is known as

(a) Specific humidity 

(b) Relative humidity

(c) Vapour pressure 

(d) Absolute humidity

11. Trade winds of the northern hemisphere blow from the north-east to south-west due to

(a) Cognos force     (b) Gravitational force        (c) Centripetal force         (d) None of these

12. Which country is known as Thunderbolt of Asia?

(a) Bhutan            (b) Mongolia                        (c) China                            (d) None of the above

13. One of the countries through which the equator passes is?

(a) Malaysia          (b) China                            (c) Malta                            (d) Pakistan

14. The depletion of the ozone layer has been caused mainly by

(a) the deforestation of a large area of land

(b) the release of chlorofluorocarbons into the atmosphere

(c) changes in asteroid activity in the solar system

(d) the release of Industrial waste

15. Which layer of atmosphere provides ideal conditions for flying airplanes?

(a) Troposphere             (b) Stratosphere        (c) Ionosphere         (d) Exosphere

16. Through which one of the following countries the equator does not pass?

(a) Tanzania                  (b) Kenya                    (C) Zaire               (d) Uganda

17. A-line on a map joining places of equal monthly or yearly rainfall is called

(a) Isobar                        (b) Isohyet            (c) Isotherm            (d) Isoneph

18. The Earth revolves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit Its speed

(a) is greatest when it is farthest from the Sun

(b) is greatest when it is closest to the Sun

(c) remain the same at all points on the orbit

(d) goes on decreasing continuously

19. The origin of earth dates back to approximately

(a) 3.6 billion years             (b) 46 billion years        (c) 5.6 billion years         (d) 6.6 billion years

20. The term 'Ecliptic' is used for the

(a) Sun when eclipsed

(b) Moon when eclipsed

(c) Sun's path in the sky during a year

(d) Path of Earth around the Sun

21. The Sun always rises in the East because 

(a) It is located in East

(b) The Earth rotates from East to West

(c) The earth rotates from West to East

(d) The earth revolves around the Sun from West to East

22. A ship sailing from Vancouver to Tokyo, crosses the International Date Line on Wednesday, the 8th of November. What will be the next day?

(a) Sixth of November 

(b) Seventh of November

(c) Ninth of November

(d) Tenth of November

23. Spring tide occurs when the

(a) Earth. Moon and the Sun are in a straight line

(b) Sun, Earth, and the Moon are at right angles to each other

(c) Earth comes near the Sun

(d) Earth is away from the Sun

24. Which of the following words explains a narrow strip of land separating two seas and connecting two landmarks?

(a) Isthmus        (b) Strait        (c) Bay        (d) Peninsula

25. Presence of which gas in the outermost layer of the atmosphere does not allow ultraviolet rays of the sunlight to reach Earth?

(a) Helium        (b) Ozone        (c) Oxygen        (d) Chlorine

26. The second largest continent (in terms of area) is

(a) Asia            (b) South America        (c) North America            (d) Africa

27. The South Pole was discovered by

(a) Cabot        (b) Robert Peary            (c) Amundsen                     (d) None of these

28. The dates on which day and night are equal are

(a) 21st March and 24th December

(b) 14th January and 23rd September

(c) 21st March and 23rd September

(d) 14th January and 22nd June

29. At which place on earth there is always day and night of an equal duration?

(a) On the tropic of Cancer

(b) On the Poles

(c) On the tropic of Capricorn

(d) On the Equator

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30. A-line on a map joining places having equal atmospheric pressure is called

(a) Isotherm        (b) Isobar              (c) Isocryme             (d) Isolyte

31. The core of the earth is

(a) Of amorphous material        (b) A vacuum        (c) Metallic            (d) Plastic

32. The important country close to International Date Line is

(a) Malaysia                            (b) Mauritius            (c) New Zealand                 (d) Surinam

33. Which of the following towns is situated at the highest altitude?

(a) Lhasa                            (b) Kathmandu            (c) Gartole                        (d) Thimpu

34. Winter rain in Kashmir is due to

(a) South-West monsoon

(b) Westem disturbances

(c) North-East monsoon

(d) Local winds

35. Which is the longest day in the Northern Hemisphere?

(a) 20th June     (b) 21st June        (c) 22nd December             (d) 23rd December

36. Equinox refers to

(a) The area near the Equator

(b) A kind of pox affecting horses

(c) Lines connecting points of equal altitude

(d) Two periods in the year when the days and nights are equal

37. The tide at its maximum height is known as

(a) Tsunami        (b) Springtide        (c) Equinoxes         (d) Neap tide

38. Where is the coldest place in the world situated?

(a) England        (b) Greenland        (c) Russia                (d) Antarctica

39. Which place in the world has the 'least rainfall?

(a) Africa            (b) Thar                (c) Mt. Everest        (d) Pamir

40. The International Date Line is an imaginary line extending from pole to pole along with the places on the earth's surface and lies along the

(a) 0° meridian        (b) 45° meridian        (c) 90° meridian        (d) 180° mendian

41. The speed of rotation of the earth is the highest

(a) Along the Equator

(b) Along the Tropic of Cancer

(c) Along the Arctic Circle

(d) At the North Pole

42. 'Flash Point" term is related with the

(a) Study of water            (b) Study of climate            (c) Study of Dewdrops        (d) Study of rocks

43. About 50% of the world population is concentrated between the latitudes of

(a) 5°N and 20°N                     (b) 20°N and 40°N

(c) 40°N and 60°N                     (d) 20°S and 40°S

44. The time at any point on the earth's surface calculated when the sun reaches its highest position in the sky is known as

(a) Local time         (b) Sidereal time        (c) Solar time         (d) Standard time

45. What will be the time at a place situated at 70° W when it is 4 p.m. at a place situated at 35° E?

(a) 5 p.m.            (b) 8 p.m.            (c) 11 am.                (d) 9 a.m.

46. When the local time is 12.00 noon and the time at Greenwich Meridian is 8.00 a.m., the local longitude is

(a) 60° east        (b) 60° west        (c) 45° west            (d) 45° east

47. The Captain of the Pakistan Cricket team which defeated England at the Oval in 1954 was

(a) Fazal Mehmood                                    (b) Hanif Muhammad

(c) Abdul Hafeez Kardar                            (d) Khan Muhammad

48. In the troposphere, the normal lapse rate, ie., the decrease in temperature with height is of the order of 

(a) 1°C for 155 metres       (b) 1°C for 160 metres       (c) 1°C for 165 metres       (d) 1°C for 170 metres

49. Blind Dolphins are found in

(a) Ganges River         (6) Nile River        (c) Yangtze River         (d) None

50. In which one of the following positions does the Earth revolve at a faster rate around the Sun?

(a) Summer Solstice     (b) Winter Solstice        (c) Autumnal Equinox (d) Vernal Equinox

51. If a magnetic needle is freely suspended at the geographic North Pole

(a) The needle will remain vertical with its N-pole downward

(b) The needle will remain almost vertical with its N-pole downward

(c) The needle will remain vertical with its S-pole downward

(d) The needle will remain almost vertical with its S-pole downward

52. The South Pole is located on the continent of

(a) Africa            (b) Australia            (c) Asia                    (d) Antarctica

53 The atmospheric pressure at any place is measured by

(a) Altimeter        (b) Pressuremeter    (c) Barometer         (d) Thermometer

54. Which mountain system lies between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea?

(a) Applachians     (b) Caucasus          (c) the Pyrenees        (d) Atlas

55. Which of these cities once served as the capital of Japan?

(a) Kobe                (b) Kyoto                (c) Okinawa                (d) India

56. Which peninsula lies between the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov?

(a) Crimean            (b) Iberian                (c) Kamchatka             (d) Yucatan

57. On the banks of which river is the city of London located?

(a) Severn                (b) Thames                (c) Avon                    (d) Humber

58. Which among the following trees is considered the tallest in the world?

(a) Cedar                (b) Redwood               (c) Eucalyptus             (d) Date palm

59 Which country was earlier known as Siam?

(a) Indonesia          (b) Somalia                (c) Thailand                (d) Myanmar

60. Which is the largest country in the Arabian Peninsula?

(a) Oman                (b) Yemen                    (c) Saudi Arabia         (d) Kuwait

61. Which river forms the Grand Canyon in the United States?

(a) Mississippi         (b) Hudson                (c) Colorado                (d) Columbia

62. Which of these cloud forms is found at the highest altitudes?

(a) Billow             (b) Nacreous                (c) Noctilucent             (d) Pileus

63. Thickness of the atmosphere around the earth is

(a) 100 km                (b) 130 km                    (c) 145 km                   (d) 195 km

64. Atmosphere around the earth maintains its

(a) Temperature     (b) Pressure                      (c) Density                   (d) Shape

65. The layers of the atmosphere are divided into

(a) Two parts         (b) Three parts                  (c) Four parts               (d) Five parts

66. Above the earth's surface, the troposphere extends to a height of

(a) 08 km                (b) 12 km                        (c) 20 km                    (d) 15 km

67. Which next layer is above the troposphere?

(a) Mesosphere         (b) Stratosphere            (c) Thermosphere         (d) Space

68. The mesosphere extended above the earth's surface is up to

(a) 60 km                    (b) 65 km                    (c) 80 km                       (d) 85 km

69. Which one of the following phenomena occurs when water vapor condenses around a particle of smoke?

(a) Fog                        (b) Hail                        (c) Mist                        (d) Smog

70. Lines joining places of the same earthquake intensity are known as

(a) Isohyets                  (b) Isohels                    (c) Isoseismal lines     (d) Isohalines

71. Canola refers to a special type of oilseed mustard varieties bred for human consumption. The main characteristic of these varieties is that the:

(a) Seeds have a very high oil content

(b) Oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids

(c) Oil has long shelf-life

(d) Oil has very low Erucic acid content

72. Which one of the following lakes forms an international boundary between Tanzania and Uganda?

(a) Coad                (b) Malawi                    (c) Victoria                (d) the Zambezi

73. Which of the following countries has the highest percentage of land under cultivation?

(a) USA                (b) India                        (c) China                    (d) Canada

74. Which form of iron has got the highest carbon content?

(a) Mild Steel        (b) Stainless Steel        (c) Wrought Iron         (d) Cast Iron

75. Rows of trees grown along the coastal areas to reduce the impact of cyclones are known as

(a) Windbreaks       (b) Protection              (c) Mangroves             (d) Shelterbelts

76. What kind of soil is treated with gypsum to make it suitable for cropping?

(a) Alkaline            (b) Acidic                    (c) Waterlogged            (d) Soil with excessive clay content

77. Which of the following is the smallest ocean in the world?

(a) Pacific                (b) Indian                    (c) Atlantic                    (d) the Arctic

78. Which one of the following is a metamorphic rock?

(a) Granite                (b) Basalt                    (c) Marble                    (d) Sandstone

79. According to Simon Winchester's book, how many Tectonic plates are there on the earth?

(a) 15                        (b) 29                            (c) 32                            (d) 36

80. All the following are planetary winds except

(a) Trade winds         (b) The westerlies        (c) Polar winds             (d) The monsoon winds

81. Which one of the following parts of cold deserts and continents is correctly matched?

(a) Atacama.........South America

(b) the Gobi.........Asia

(c) Kalahari...........Africa

(d) Great Sandy............Australia

82. The production of the rubber tree is better adapted to areas where the climate is

(a) Warm and humid                                     (b) Warm and dry

(c) Cool and moist                                         (d) Cool and dry

83. Gulf streams are caused by

(a) Cyclones                (b) Temperature            (c) Ocean Pressure        (d) Difference in water level

84. All vital atmospheric process leading to various climatic and weather conditions take place in the........

(a) Troposphere.          (b) Ionosphere                (c) Ecosphere.              (d) Stratosphere

85. The minimum land area recommended for forest cover to maintain proper ecological balance is:

(a) 25%                        (b) 93%                            (c) 43%                        (d) 53%

86. Which one of the following scholars suggested the earth's origin from gases and dust particles?

(a) James Jeans             (b) H. Alfven                    (c) F. Hoyle                (d) 0. Schmidt

87. The theory that refers to an explosion about 10 to 15 billion years ago, which most astronomers believe to be the origin of the Universe, is called

(a) The Red Shift Theory                                        (b) Relativity Theory 

(c) Big Bang Theory                                                (d) Titanic Theory

88. Black holes are stellar objects which

(a) Emit black body radiation

(b) Have a weak gravitational field

(c) Have an intense gravitational field

(d) Have an intense magnetic field.

89. Select the stranger in the group:

(a) Cartograms         (b) Multiple bars                (c) Weather maps             (d) Pie diagrams

90. The soil which cracks and shrinks most as it dries is

(a) Clayey soil          (b) Porous soil                    (c) Sandy soil                 (d) Loamy soil

91. East Timor, is now an independent country, before independence it was part of

(a) Taiwan                 (b) Malaysia                        (c) Thailand                    (d) Indonesia

92. Kosovo, is now an independent country, before its independence, it was part of which of the following countries?

(a) Yugoslavia             (b) Albania                        (c) Romania                    (d) Bulgana

93. On the day of the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere, the length of day-time on the Antarctic Circle is

(a) 12 hours                (b) 24 hourS                      (c) zero hour                     (d) 6 hours

94. Which of the following sequences represents correctly the different atmospheric layers from the earth's surface?

(a) Stratosphere, troposphere, tropopause. ionosphere

(b) Ionosphere, tropopause, troposphere, stratosphere

(c) Troposphere, tropopause, stratosphere, ionosphere

(d) Stratosphere, troposphere, ionosphere tropopause

95. days and nights are of equal duration on March 21 at

(a) The Tropic of Cancer alone

(b) The Tropic of the Equator alone

(c) The Tropic of Capricom alone

(d) All parallel of latitude

96. Which of the following is the most porous rock?

(a) Basalt            (b) Granito                (c) Sandstone                   (d) Slato

97. Weathering is

(a) Breakdown or disintegration of rocks

(b) Formation of oil by fine sand particles

(c) Baking of the surface of the land by flowing water

(d) Wearing down of rock surface

98. Which type of plants is adapted to grow under drought conditions?

(a) Pteridophytes         (b) Xerophytes            (c) Tropophytes         (d) Hygrophytes

99. Which of the following is the oldest rock?

(a) Quartzite         (b) Ordovician            (c) Carbonatites                   (d) Cumbrian

100. Which of the following pairs is correct?

City                     River

(a) Baghdad      Tigris

(b) Bonn             Danube

(c) Rome            Selne

(d) Paris             Tiber

101. The leading producer of silver is

(a) The U.S.A.            (b) Russia            (c) Mexico                    (d) South Africa

102. The highest grade of coal whose surface is shining and has the highest calorific value is

(a) Lignite                (b) Peat                (c) Bituminous                 (d) Anthracite

103. If a place is located at 20° N, 80° E, in which of the following continents does it lie?

(a) Africa                   (b) Asia               (c) Europe                        (d) North America

104. Which one of the following is a Great Circle?

(a) The Arctic Circle

(b) The Tropic of Cancer

(c) The Equator

(d) The Tropic of Capricorn

105. Which of the following is the region of winter rainfall?

(a) Mediterranean         (b) Tropical            (c) the Arctic                (d) Monsoon

106. Availability of ample water is one of the important consideration in the location of

(a) Cotton textile industry

(b) Paper industry

(c) Electronic industry

(d) Automobile industry

107. Soil formed by deposition of silt brought by rivers is

(a) Alluvial soil             (b) Red soil            (c) Black soil                 (d) Podsols

108. Which of the following statements about the ozone layer is correct?

(a) It converts UV radiations into electrical energy

(b) It protects the earth's life forms by preventing the damaging UV radiations from reaching the earth's surface

(c) It is of uniform thickness

(d) None of the above

109. High tides at antipodes are caused due to

(a) Gravitational pull of the moon and the sun

(b) Gravitational pull of the sun

(c) Centrifugal centripetal and the gravitational pull of the sun

(d) Centrifugal centripetal and the gravitational pull of the sun and the moon

110. Which of the following types of rainfall is typical of equatorial regions?

(a) Convectional             (b) Orographic            (c) Cyclonic               (d) None of these

111. Change in season is caused due to

(a) Revolution of earth

(b) Rotation of earth

(c) Inclination of earth

(d) None of these

112. Winds generally blow from areas of

(a) Low pressure to that of hìgh pressure

(b) High pressure to that of low pressure

(c) High pressure to that of moderate pressure

(d) Low pressure to that of moderate pressure

113. Which of the following soils is best suited for deep-rooted crops?

(a) Red soil

(b) Black soil

(c) Laterite soil (d) Alluvial soil

114. The imaginary line on the earth's surface which closely follows the 180° meridian is called

(a) International Date Line        (b) Tropic of Cancer     (c) Equator        (d) Prime meridian

115. Which of the following countries has the largest area in the wulu?

(a) Canada                (b) nina                (c) USA                        (d) Russia

116. Which of the following climatic types is said to be characterized by Three Eighties 80° F of temperature, 80 percent of humidity, and 80 inches of rainfall?

(a) Monsoon climate

(b) Equatorial climate

(c) Mediterranean climate

(d) Temperate climate

117. When it is 8 pm in Tokyo what is the time at Panama Canal which is located at 180° W of it?

(a) 400 p.m                (b) 8.00 am                   (c) 12 00 am                     (d) 1200 noon

118. Evergreen forests are found

(a) In the estuaries of great rivers

(b) In the Himalayas above 3,000 ft elevation

(c) Where the rainfall is between 30° to 40°

(d) Where the rainfall is between 80 and 

119. Which of the following is a Kharif crop?

(a) Wheat                (b) Rice                    (c) Gram                    (d) Mustard

120. Hail storm occurs in summer season due to the formation of clouds called

(a) Cirrus                (b) Cumulus                (c) Cumulonimbus     (d) Cirrocumulus

121. The seasonal reversal of winds is a phenomenon noticed in

(a) Monsoon climate            (b) Mediterranean climate        (c) Equatorial climate    (d) High lands

122. 'Roaring Forties are

(a) Cyclonic westerly winds in the northern hemisphere

(b) Spring tides

(c) Ocean current in the northern hemisphere

(d) Steady north-westerly anti-trade winds in the southern hemisphere

123. Humidity in the air is maximum in

(a) Winter            (b) Summer            (c) Monsoon                (d) Autumn

124. Sandstones belong to

(a) Argillaceous rocks        (b) Calcareous rocks    (c) Carbonaceous rocks      (d) Arenaceous rocks

125. The lunar eclipse occurs when

(a) Moon is between the earth and the sun

(b) Earth is between the sun and the moon

(c) Sun is between the earth and the moon

(d) Earth is at night angles to the direction of the sun and the moon

126. The high-yielding varieties of crops possess which of the following characters?

1. Ability to trap more solar energy

2. Ability to utilize more nutrients

3. High harvest index

4. Ability to use less water

(a) 1, 2 and 4

(b) 2 and 3

(c) 1, 2 and 3

(d) 1 and 3

127. Contour is a measure of

(a) Topography             (b) Rainfall            (c) Temperature             (d) Pressure

128. The latitude of the south pole is

(a) 0°                        (b) 30°                    (c) 60°                                (d) 90°

129. There is a severe difference in the climates of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Why?

(a) Due to the rotation of the earth around its axis

(b) Due to the revolution of the earth around the sun in its orbit

(c) Both of the above

(d) None of the above

130. The area associated with the greatest frequency of earthquakes is

(a) Eastern coastal areas of Asia

(b) Northern Coastal areas of Eurasia

(c) West coast of North and South Americas

(d) Western coastal areas of Africa

131. 'Cloud burst' means

(a) Formation of artificial rain

(b) Presence of scattered flakes of cloud in the sky

(c) Sowing of seeds of a crop in a cloudy weather

(d) Abnormally heavy downpour of rain, associated with a thunderstorm

132. Which one of the following is an ore of iron?

(a) Bauxite            (b) Haematite                (c) Ilmenite                (d) Gypsum

133. Which one of the following is correct?

(a) All longitudes are not great circles

(b) All longitudes and equator are great circles

(c) All latitudes and Greenwich meridian are great circles

(d) All latitudes and longitudes are great circles

134. The rocks which are formed by direct cooling and solidification of magma are called

(a) Sedimentary rocks     (b) Derivative rocks        (c) Igneous rocks     (d) Metamorphic rocks

135. Which one of the following is correct in respect of the Mediterranean type of climate?

(a) Warm winters

(b) Cold and dry summers

(c) Warm and dry summers and cold and wet winters

(d) Warm and wet summers and cold and dry winters

136. The shortest day in Northern Hemisphere is

(a) 25 December         (b) 22 December            (c) 15 June                    (d) 22 June

137. Vasco da Gama discovered the sea route to India v the Cape of Good Hope in

(a) 1494                (b) 1498                    (c) 1502                            (d) 1506

138. The earth or chives around the sun in its orbit by appro

(a) 5° per day            (b) 2° per day             (c)1° per day                 (d) 3° per day

139. One degree of longitude on the equator is equal to a distance of

(a) 96 km                (b) 80 km                    (c) 55 km                    (d) 112 km

140. Which of the following countries has the longest land frontiers?

(a) Burma                (b) Russia                        (c) China                        (d) Laos

141. Which of the following is not a Scandinavian country?

(a) Denmark                (b) Belgium                 (c) Norway                (d) None of these

142. The process by which water and wind wear down the rocks is called

(a) Erosion                (b) Cosrision                    (c) Derision                    (d) None of them

143. The belt of low atmospheric pressure on either side of the equator are called

(a) Doldrums            (b) Westerlies                (c) Latitudes                    (d) Easterlies

144. When the earth reaches its perihelion, then

(a) It is nearest to the sun

(b) It is farthest from the sun

(c) it is between the sun and moon

(d) None of the above

145. What is the duration of a day at the poles?

(a) 3 months                (b) 6 months                (c) 9 months                (d) 12 months

146. Biosphere is

(a) The core of the earth which is about 150 km below the earth

(b) The part of the earth's surface where human beings live

(c) The part of the earth's crust, water, and atmosphere where plants and animals can subsist

(d) None of these

147. Coniferous forests are found in a region having

(a) Low mean annual temperature throughout the year and long cold winter

(b) Low rainfall and very low temperature throughout the year

(c) High humidity and high temperature throughout the year

(d) None of the above

148. Imaginary lines drawn on a global map, from pole to pole and perpendicular to the equator, are called

(a) Contours                (b) Isobars            (c) Meridians                        (d) Steppes

149. Which of the following countries is known as the Land of Midnight Sun?

(a) Belgium                (b) Holland                (c) Norway                        (d) Sweden

150. Asia accounts for nearly .... percent of the world population

(a) 40%                        (b) 45%                    (c) 60                            (d) 70%

151. The longest river is located in

(a) Asia                        (b) Africa                (c) Latin America                 (d) North America

152. Broadly, there are three layers of the earth - the crust, the mantle, and the core. The crust forms what percentage of the total volume of the earth?

(a) 0.5 percent                 (b) 2.5 percent            (c) 10.5 percent             (d) 16.0 percent

153. The landmass of which of the following continents is the least?

(a) Africa                        (b) Asia                    (c) Australia                    (d) Europe

154. A nautical mile is equal to

a) 1.005 metres             (b) 1,250 metres                (c) 1.575 metres         (d) 1,852 metres

155. A violent whirlwind characterized by a black funnel-shaped cloud hanging from heavy cumulonimbus is known by the name of

(a) Antipodes                (b) Hurricane                (c) Tomado                    (d) Typhoon

156. Atmospheric temperature increases at the higher altitudes due to

a) Conduction               (b) Convection                    (c) Inversion                    (d) Radiation

157. Which of the following crops needs maximum water per hectare?

(a) Barley            (b) Maize                (c) Sugarcane                (d) Wheat

158. The polar diameter of the earth is shorter than the equatorial diameter by

(a) 25 km            (b) 60 km            (c) 43 km            (d) 95 km

159. Earth completes one rotation on its axis in

(a) 23 hours and 30 minutes

(b) 23 hours 56 minutes and 49 seconds

(c) 24 hours

(d) 24 hours 1 minute and 10 seconds

160. The Earth rotates on its axis from

(a) East to West         (b) West to East            (c) North to South         (d) South to North

161. The latitude of the equator is

(a) 0°                    (b) 30°                (c) 45°                       (d) 60°

162. Asia is the biggest continent in the world. How much approximate of the world land is covered by area?

(a) 35%                (b) 41%                        (c) 29.5%                      (d) 38%

163. The percentage of oxygen in the atmospheric air is approximate?

(a) 10 percent         (b) 21 percent            (c) 30 percent             (d) 40 percent

164. The frozen continent around the South Pole is    

(a) the Arctic             (b) Antarctica            (c) Greenland             (d) Iceland

165. Which of the following countries is not land-locked?

(a) Afghanistan         (b) Burma                (c) Nepal                (d) Switzerland

166. North America is the third largest continent in the world. How much world population in percentage is accommodated by North America?

(a) 6.5%                (b) 8.5%                    (c) 7.7%                (d) 9.5%

167. Which of the following terms is not connected with the study of climate?

(a) Dew Point         (b) Flash Point        (c) Hydrogram         (d) Stevenson Screen

168. Cirrus clouds are            

(a) Low clouds        (b) Very low clouds        (c) High clouds        (d) Medium height clouds

169. "Climate is the average atmospheric conditions of an area over a considerable period of time. For proper conclusions, observations are needed for a minimum period of

(a) 5 years                (b) 10 years                    (C) 20 years            (d) 35 years

170. The soil which is a mixture of sand, clay, and silt is known as

(a) Loamy soil         (b) Sandy soil                (c) Clayey soil         (d) Desert soil

171. Which of the following heavy chemicals are produced from common salt?

(a) Chlorine only                                     (b) Caustic soda only    

(c) Caustic soda and soda ash                (d) Chlorine, caustic soda, and soda ash

172. Which of the following is not an example of exhaustible resources of the earth available

to man?

(a) Coal                (b) Natural gas        (c) Petroleum                 (d) Water

173. Which of the following is not an example of inexhaustible resources of the earth available

to man?

(a) Air                (b) Fossil fuels            (C) Forests and wildlife            (d) Solar energy

174. Which one of the following four agricultural resources by way of crops cultivated by man

does not belong to the group comprising the remaining three?

(a) Coffee            (b) Fruits                (c) Sugarcane                             (d) Vegetables

175. Which is the least populated continent of the world?

(a) Antarctica         (b) Australia        (c) North America                     (d) None of them

176. All of the following are renewable abiotic resources in nature except

(a) Cobalt                (b) Copper and nickel    (c) Iron ore                (d) Manganese

177. Which of the following is a non-metallic mineral?

(a) Cobalt                (b) Gypsum                    (c) Thorium                (d) Uranium

178. All of the following are non-metallic minerals, except

(a) Asbestos            (b) Graphite                (c) Platinum                (d) Sulphur

179. The base of all of the following fuels is organic materials, except that of

(a) Coal            (b) Natural gas                (c) Petroleum             (d) Uranium

180. Which of the following exhaustible and non-renewable fuels are inorganic in nature?

(a) Anthracite and bituminous coal

(b) Petroleum and natural gas

(c) Uranium and thorium

(d) Lignite and peat

181. Which of the following types of coal represents the first stage of the formation of coal?

(a) Anthracite         (b) Bituminous coal            (c) Lignite                (d) Peat

182. Which of the following countries leads the world in the export of oil?

(a) Iran                (b) Iraq                    (c) Saudi Arabia             (d) Venezuela

183. Copper may be found native, that is, in its pure state, but is more often found in chemical combinations with

(a) Iron, gold, and silver

(b) Gold, silver, and lead

(c) Iron, lead, and sulfur

(d) All of the above minerals

184. The low heating capacity of which of the types of coal reduces its value as an industrial fuel?

(a) Anthracite        (b) Bituminous coal             (c) Lignite                    (d) Peat

185. What percentage of the earth's total surface is covered by forests?

(a) 15 percent             (b) 20 percent         (c) 24 percent             (d) 29 percent

186. Which of the following types of forest mostly grow in the below of land lying between 50°

N and 70° N?

(a) Temperate deciduous forests

(b) Tropical evergreen forests

(c) Temperate hardwood forests

(d) Temperate coniferous forests

187. The Panama Canal links

(a) Canada with Greenland

(b) North America with South America

(c) Siberia (Russia) with Greenland

(d) None of the above

188. Which of the following is concerned with the description and mapping of the main features

of the Universe?

(a) Cosmography                 (b) Cosmology             (c) Geomorphology         (d) None of the above

189. Cryogenics is the science that

(a) Describes and maps the main features of the Universe

(b) Studies the nature of heavenly bodies

(c) Deals with the physical history of the earth

(d) Deals with the production, control, and application of very low temperature

190. The speed per minute at which the earth revolves around the sun is

(a) 800 km            (b) 1,000 km                    (c) 1,400 km                (d) More than 1,600 km

191. The North Pole of the Earth is turned away from the sun on

(a) 22nd September         (b) 22nd December            (c) 21st March             (d) 21st June

192. When the sun shines vertically on the whole Arctic circle, it is vertical on the

(a) Tropic of cancer     (b) the Equator         (c) Tropic of Capricorn         (d) None of the above

193. The area of our Globe that lies between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn

is called

(a) Frigid zone         (b) North Temperate         (c) South Temperate         (d) Torrid zone

194. Which of the following illustrates the extreme effects of the phenomena of seasons?

(a) The Equatorial regions

(b) The Polar regions

(c) The North Temperate regions

(d) The South Temperate regions

195. The basin of which of the following rivers is regarded as having the highest hydel power potential?

(a) Amazon                (b) Congo            (c) Mississippi             (d) Nile

196. Which, amongst the following countries, has the highest density of population per sq km?

(a) Bangladesh            (b) Burma                (c) Pakistan            (d) Sri Lanka

197. Which of the following countries is on the continent of Europe?

(a) Albania                (b) Algeria                (c) Libya                (d) Venezuela

198. Which of the following countries does not have a common land with the Peoples Republic of China?

(a) Japan       

 (b) North Korea       

 (c) Russia

(d) All of the above have a common land border with China

199. Which is the smallest continent of the world area-wise?

(a) Antarctica                    (b) Asia                    (c) Australia                (d) Europe

200. Which of the following metals is not only magnetic but also radioactive?

(a) Aluminium                 (b) Iron                    (c) Platinum            (d) Thorium

201. Which layer of the atmosphere reflects radio- waves back to the earth's surface?

(a) Ionosphere             (b) Ozone layer             (c) Stratosphere                 (d) Troposphere

202. What percentage of insolation is received by the earth's surface?

(a) 47%                    (b) 51%                    (c) 66%                         (d) 100%

203. Which region of the earth's surface receives the highest amount of insolation?

(a) Landmasses                 (b) Waterbodies             (c) Equatorial region             (d) Tropical desert

204. The term 'Flora' in the context of natural vegetation refers to

(a) Assemblage of plant species living in association with each other in a given environmental frame

(b) Plants of a particular region or period, listed by species and considered as a group

(c) A large tract covered by trees and shrubs and its administration for assessing economic benefits

(d) Role played by species of animals in the maintenance of ecological balance

205. Which of the following countries leads in the production of aluminum and its products in the world?

(a) Australia                        (b) France            (c) Pakistan            (d) The U.S.A.

206. Which of the following countries consumes more fish than any other country in the world?

(a) China                    (b) France                    (c) Great Britain                 (d) Japan

207. Which country leads to the production of copper in the world?

(a) Chile                (b) Australia                (c) U.S.A.                (d) Russia

208. Which of the following types of coal contains over 90 percent carbon and is smokeless?

(a) Anthracite         (b) Bituminous coal             (c) Lignite                (d) Peat

209. The word "Tsunami" belongs to which of the following languages?

(a) English            (b) Latin                (c) Chinese                (d) Japanese

210. Where is the largest Coral Reef located?

(a) Germany         (b) Australia            (c) the UK                (d) Canada

211. The sun's heat and light energy reach the earth by which of the following modes of transmission?

(a) Conduction               (b) Convection                (c) Radiation                (d) Reflection

212. At the core of the earth, the temperature is estimated to be around

(a) 1,000 degree C

(b) 1,200 degree

(c) 2,000 degree C

(d) 2,000 degree C

213. What is meant by Archipelago?

(a) Cluster of Islands

(b) Rocks Under Seas

(c) Cluster of Small States

(d) Cluster of Stars

214. The mean radius of the earth is approximately

(a) 3.200 km                (b) 6,400 km                    (c) 9.600                    (d) 12,800 km

215. Of the total volume of the earth, the three layers - the crust, the mantle, and the core, constitute respectively

(a) 16.5%, 0.5% and 83%

(b) 0.5%, 83% and 16.5%

(c) 83%, 16.5% and 0.5

(d) 0.5%, 16.5% and 83%

216. Which of the following layers of the earth is believed to have the heaviest mineral materials of the highest density?

(a) Central Core            (b) Crust            (c) Mantle            (d) Both (b) and (c) above

217. The heavier silicates named as 'Simal or silica + magnesium are most abundant in the

(a) Crust                    (b) Core(c)             Mantle                (d) Ocean floors

218. The principal reason for the formation of metamorphic rocks is

(a) Deposition of sediments

(b) Deposition of remains of plants and animals

(c) Extreme heat and pressure

(d) Solidification of magma

219. Which of the following regions of the world is most thickly populated?

(a) East Asia

(b) South Asia

(c) North-West Europe

(d) North and South America

220. What is the average density of population in the world in 2013?

(a) 27 persons per sq. km

(b) 37 persons per sq. km

(c) 45 persons per sq. km

(d) 221 persons per sq. km

221. Which of the following factors is responsible for variation in the flora and fauna in different parts of the earth?

(a) Change in the physical environment

(b) Change in atmosphere

(c) Change in Biosphere

(d) Change in the hydrosphere

222. Which of the following gases is most predominant in the Sun?

(a) Helium            (b) Hydrogen                (c) Nitrogen                (d) Ozone

223. What is the main cause of the movement in the earth's atmosphere?

(a) Difference in air pressure        (b) Solar energy        (c) Difference in temperature        (d) Wind

224. Name the world-famous and finest harbor?

(a) New York         (b) Sydney            (c) Mumbai                (d) Calcutta

225. Which of the following statement is correct concerning Bridgetown?

(a) Chief port of Guinea-Bissau

(b) Capital of Barbados, an island country in the Atlantic ocean

(c) A famous seaport of Barbados

(d) None of the above

226. Which of the following countries in South Asia is land-locked?

(a) Nepal and Bangladesh

(b) Bangladesh and Bhutan

(c) Bhutan and Nepal

(d) Bhutan and Pakistan

227. McMahon line is the border between

(a) India and China

 (b) India and Nepal

(c) India and Pakistan

 (d) India and Burma

228. Lines drawn parallel to the equator are called

(a) Latitudes        (b) Longitudes        (c) Meridians            (d) None of these

229. Lines joining places of equal temperature are called

(a) Isotherms        (b) Isohytes                (c) Isomeres            (d) Isobars

230. Which types of forests are found in areas where low mean annual temperature throughout the year and long cold winter?

(a) Coniferous forest

(b) Broad-leaved forests

(c) Dedous forest 

(d) Littoral forests

231. Choose the wrong definition

(a) Contour: Areas of equal height above sea level

(b) Isotherms: Area having the same temperature

(c) Isohytes: Equal rainfall areas

(d) Isobars. Equal atmospheric temperature areas

232. Wind blowing in a spiral form around a region of low atmospheric pressure is a

(a) Hurricane         (b) Cyclone             (c) Anticyclone                 (d) Tornado

233. Spring tides occur

(a) Only on full Moon day

(b) Only on new Moon day

(c) The day when the Moon's position is in its first quarter

(d) Full moon day as well as on new Moon day

234. Spring tides occur on new Moon day and full moon day because on these days

(a) Moon and the Earth are at right angles

(b) Sun, Moon, and the Earth are inline

(c) Sun and the Moon are opposite to each other

(d) Moon and the sun are nearer to the Earth

235. When the days and nights are equal the rays of the sun directly fall on the

(a) Equator             (b) Tropic of Cancer             (c) South Pole             (d) the North Pole

236. On June 21, the sun is vertically overhead the

(a) Tropic of Capricorn    (b) Equator        (c) Position of the sun is not definite    (d) Tropic of Cancer

237. Sunrises in the east and sets in the west due to the

(a) Shape of the Earth

(b) Revolution of the Earth around the Sun

(c) Rotation of the Earth on its axis

(d) Movement of the Sun

238. What are cyclones?

(a) Sudden, heavy floods

(b) No rain for a long duration

(c) Heavy showers

(d) Violent winds and rain

239. In a tropical cyclone, pressure

(a) Increases towards the center

(b) Decreases towards the center and wind moves in an anticlockwise direction in the northern hemisphere

(c) Does not vary appreciably

(d) First decreases towards the center and then increases

240. The heaviest rainfall is recorded in

(a) Mediterranean regions

(b) Temperate regions

(c) Equatorial regions

(d) Tropical mountain areas

241. The Mediterranean regions are characterized by heavy rain in

(a) Winter                (b) Summer                    (c) Spring            (d) Autumn

242. Planetary winds are those which

(a) Change their direction with the change of season

(b) Change their direction with day and night

(c) Never change their direction

(d) Blow up mountain slopes

243. Which of the following is an igneous rock?

(a) Shale            (b) Quartzite                (c) Marble            (d) Granite

244. Which of the following is an example of sedimentary rock?

(a) Marble            (b) Slate            (c) Limestone             (d) None of these

245. To which kind of rock does marble belong?

(a) Metamorphic         (b) Sedimentary            (c) Plutonic            (d) Volcanic

246. Which of the following types of forests account for most of the total forest area in the world?

(a) Deciduous             (b) Littoral            (c) Broad-leaved             (d) Coniferous

247. In which type of climate are coniferous forests found?

(a) Savanna            (b) Mediterranean            (c) Siberian            (d) Hot desert

248. Which of the following is the icy continent?

(a) Greenland             (b) Antarctica            (c) Australia        (d) None of these

249. The length of the Suez canal is approximately

(a) 110 km                (b) 150 km                (c) 160 km            (d) 125 km

250. Which of the following is an example of seasonal winds?

(a) Thunderstorms         (b) Monsoon            (c) Cyclones            (d) Anticyclones

251. Which types of rocks are mainly found in the Himalayan ranges?

(a) Sedimentary             (b) Metamorphic                (c) Igneous                (d) Granite

252. The Third world comprises approximately % of the world's human race?

(a) 50                        (b) 70                            (c) 45                            (d) 30

253. The inclination of the earth's axis to the orbital plane is

(a) 21                        (b) 23                            (c) 66                            (d) 90°

254 "Mohs Scale" is used to indicate the

(a) Degree of the brittleness of a substance

(b) Degree of the hardness of minerals.

(c) Degree of viscosity of a liquid

(d) Degree of elasticity of a material

255. What can be the maximum duration of totality for a solar eclipse?

(a) 12.5 minutes

(b) 7 minutes 40 seconds

(c) 1 hour 40 seconds

(d) There is no maximum duration

256. The total surface area of the earth is.

(a) 510 million sq km

(b) 610 million sq km

(c) 710 million sq km

(d) 810 million sq km

257. What is the approximate equatorial circumference of the earth?

(a) 30,000 Km             (b) 35,000 Km         (c) 40,000 Km         (d) 45,000 Km

258. The Earth rotates around an axis pointing towards:

(a) The moon         (b) The pole star            (c) The sun                (d) Venus

259. Latitude of place is indicative of its

(a) Time                (b) Altitude            (c) Amount of rainfall     (d) Temperature

260. The upper part of the mantle upon which the crust of the Earth floats is called:

(a) Barysphere         (b) Mesosphere        (c) Mohorovic discontinuity         (d) Asthenosphere

261. Which one of the following is present in the largest amount in terms of percent by mass in the earth's crust?

(a) Silicon                 (b) Oxygen                 (c) Carbon                 (d) Calcium

262. The difference in the duration of the day and night increases as one move from:

(a) West to east

(b) East and west of the prime meridian

(c) Poles to the equator

(d) Equator to poles

263. The sun reaches its maximum angular distance from the equator at the

(a) Zenith            (b) Solstice            (c) Equinox            (d) Noontime

264. Latitude and Longitude both:

(a) Pass through poles

(b) Run parallel to the equator

(c) Run parallel to each other

(d) Run perpendicular to each other

265. The distance of the equator from either of the poles is:

(a) 500 km                (b) 5001 km                (c) 10,002 km            (d) 36,005 km

266. The term Scandinavian Countries is used for which of the following countries?

(a) Finland, Ireland, and Denmark

(b) Sweden, Russia, and Norway

(c) Norway, Sweden, and Denmark

(d) Iceland, Finland, and England

267. Japan is called the 'land of the rising sun because:

(a) Sunrises there as soon as it sets

(b) Sun always remains in the eastern part of the sky throughout the day in Japan

(c) Japan being the Easternmost country in the World, it has the earliest sunrise

(d) The rays of the sun get reflected from the waters of the sea and make the sunrise beautiful in Japan

268. The distance between the earth and the sun is smallest in the month of:

(a) January               (b) March                (c) June                (d) September

269. Why are winters more severe in Southern Hemisphere than in the Northern Hemisphere?

(a) Earth is tilted towards the Sun in the Northern Hemisphere

(b) Northern Hemisphere receives more sunlight

(c) Because of more iceberg activity in Southern Hemisphere

(d) Southern Hemisphere is less inhabited

270. If a traveler going from Vancouver to Tokyo crosses the International Date Line on Saturday. what will be the day for him in Tokyo?

(a) Friday            (b) Saturday            (c) Sunday                (d) Monday

271. A one-day Cricket match between Pakistan and England starts at 10.00 A.M. in London. The direct telecast of the match will begin in Pakistan at:

(a) 3.30 A.M.

(b) 9.30 A.M.

(c) 3.30 P.M.

(d) 9.30 P.M.

272. At which of the following places watches will show 5.00 A.M. when it is 12.00-midnight G.M.T.?

(a) Canberra            (b) Lahore            (c) New York         (d) Singapore

273. In how many time zones has the world been divided?

(a) 15                (b) 24                    (c) 90                (d) 180


274. Through which one of the following countries the Tropic of Cancer does not pass through?

(a) Bangladesh             (b) China                (c) Myanmar                 (d) Nepal

275. All the watches of a country are set according to

(a) Local time
(b) Standard time of the country
(c) Greenwich meantime
(d) Time of sunrise and sunset

276. Winds blow

(a) In regions of low pressure
(b) From a region of high pressure to a region of low pressure
(c) From a region of low pressure to a region of high pressure
(d) In regions of high pressure

277. Doldrums are

(a) High latitudes with heavy snow
(b) Equatorial zone with low pressure
(c) High-pressure areas on mountains
d) Sub-polar zone with high pressure

278. Atmospheric pressure exerted on earth is due to

(a) Gravitational pull of the earth
(b) Rotation of earth (c) Revolution of earth
(d) Uneven heating of the earth

279. The Sea breeze blows during

(a) Day from land to sea
(b) Day from sea to land
(c) Night from land to sea
(d) Right from sea to land

280. The Trade winds are caused by

(a) Rotation of the earth
(b) Revolution of the earth
(c) Inflaming movement of air along with the earth's surface towards the equator
(d) None of these

281. Temperature generally decreases towards the poles because

(a) Air movement is generally towards the equator
(b) Cold polar air masses prevent surface heating of the land
(c) Cold surfaces do not absorb solar energy as readily as warm surfaces
(d) Progressively lesser solar energy per unit area falls on the earth's surface as we move to polar regions

282. The plane of contact of the troposphere and stratosphere is known as

(a) Mesosphere
(b) ionosphere
(c) Stratopause
(d) Tropopause

283. What causes snowfall?

(a) When condensation takes a while passing through the atmosphere
(b) when rain freezes into snowflakes while passing through the atmosphere
(c) When condensation takes place in the form of fog and precipitation occurs as flakes
(d) When the air temperature is much lower than surface temperature

284. What is the correct sequence of the given clouds from low to high altitudes?

(a) Stratus. Cumulonimbus Cirrostratus Cimus
(b) Stratus, Cirrostratus, Cumulonibus, Cirrus
(c) Cumulonimbus Stratus. Cirrus Cirrostratus
(d) Cumulonimbus Stratus. Cirrostratus Cirrus

285. The portion of the atmosphere which extends from the earth's surface up to 15 km and experiences a decrease in temperature at a constant rate is

(a) Stratosphere             (b) Tropopause        (c) Troposphere             (d) ionosphere

286. Atmospheric pressure depends on 

1Altitude                2 Temperature            3 Earth rotation            4 Moon's pull

(a) 1.2 and 3         (b) 2 and 3            (c) 1 and 2                (d) 12 3 and 4

287. Which one of the following is not a form of precipitation?

(a) Fog                (b) Hail                    (c) Snowfall                                (d) Rainfall

288. Perspiration is maximum when the temperature is

(a) Low and the air is dry                     (b) Low and the air is humid
(c) High and the air is dry                     (d) High and the air is humid

289. in which type of rocks are coal and petroleum found?

(a) Granite            (b) Igneous            (c) Metamorphic                 (d) Sedimentary

290. The removal of rock layer by layer due to weathering is called

(a) Block disintegration        (b) Deletion            (c) Exfoliation        (d) Granular disintegration

291. Arrange the following soil particle by size in the descending order

1 Gravel             Il Clay                III Silt                IV Sand


292. Japan experiences frequent earthquakes because it is located

(a) On the eastern coast of Asia Clay
(b) On the meeting point of two plates of the earth's crust
(c) Amidst the ocean                                
(d) In the volcanic belt

293. The movement inside the Earth's crust is studied by:

(a) Geodesy            (b) Geology            (c) Plate Tectonics             (d) Seismology

294. Which of the following are correctly matched?

1. Gneiss: Metamorphic        2. Granite: Igneous            3. Sandstone: Sedimentary

(a) 1 only
(b) 1 and 2
(c) 2 and 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3

295. Sedimentary rocks are formed by the process of:

(a) Metamorphism             (b) Weathering        (c) Deposition             (d) Both (b) and (c)

296. Choose the correct statement about Sedimentary rocks:

(a) These rocks cannot be formed underwater
(b) These rocks are crystalline
(c) The structure of these rocks is contingent on heat and pressure
(d) These rocks have been deposited in layers

297. The igneous rocks are formed due to:

(a) Accumulation of sediments at the bottom of the sea
(b) Granitisation
(c) Disintegration of magma
(d) Altering of metamorphic rocks

298. Which of the following is not a sedimentary rock?

(a) Limestone                     (b) Marble                (c) Sandstone                     (d) Shale

299. Which of the following rocks is transformed into marble?

(a) Granite
(b) Limestone
(c) Peat
(d) Shale

300. The principal reason for the formation of metamorphic rocks is:

(a) Decomposition of sediments
(b) Deposition of remains of plants and animals
(c) Extreme heat and pressure
(d) Solidification of magma

301. In which type of rocks are metals like gold and copper mostly found?

(a) Old Sedimentary
(b) Old Igneous
(c) Old Metamorphic
(d) New Metamorphic

302. The type of igneous rocks which are formed midway between volcanic and plutonic rocks are known as:

(a) Basalt
(b) Hypabyssal
(c) Laccolith
(d) Batholith

303. Rocks that are formed by the solidification of lava on the earth's surface are.

(a) Sandstone 
(b) Limestone
(c) Granites
(d) Basalts

304. Which form of coal is mainly suitable for producing thermal power?

(a) Anthracite 
(b) Bituminous
(c) Lignite
(d) Peat

305. Which of the following types of coal represents the first stage of the formation of coal?

(a) Anthracite 
(b) Lignite
(c) Peat
(d) Bituminous

306. Which one of the following is an organically formed sedimentary rock?

(a) Breccia
(b) Gypsum
(c) Mudstone 
(d) Limestone

307. The largest reserves of fresh water on the Earth's surface is in:

(a) North America
(b) South America
(c) Russia
(d) Africa

308. Which one of the following countries does not border the Caspian Sea?

(a) Armenia
(b) Azerbaijan
(c) Kazakhstan 
(d) Turkmenistan

309. Which of the following is called the "Gateway to the Pacific"?

(a) Suez Canal                             (b) Panama Canal
(c) Bering Sea                              (d) Gulf of Alaska

310. Coral reefs are formed by

(a) Volcanic rocks
(b) Marine sediments
(c) Chlorine material precipitated from seawater
(d) Tiny colonial marine animals which construct limestone skeleton material

311. The direction of ocean currents is reversed with the season.

(a) In the Pacific Ocean
(b) In the Atlantic Ocean
(c) In the Indian Ocean
(d) In the Mediterranean Sea

312. Which one of the following seas is without a coastline?

(a) White sea (b) Sargasso sea
(c) Sea of Okhotsk (d) Tasman sea

313. Which of the following cities is incorrectly matched to the river on which it is situated?

(a) Budapest-River Danube
(b) Baghdad-River Tigris
(c) Amsterdam-River Amsel
(d) Alexandra-River Niger

314. Which one of the following countries is situated geographically in America but politically is a part of Europe?

(a) Iceland
(b) the Canary Islands
(c) Green Land 
(d) Cuba

315. The "Horn of Africa" Includes

(a) Ethiopia, Djibouti Somalia
(b) Namibia, Botswana Republic of South Africa
(c) Senegal Guinea, Somalia
(d) Libya, Egypt, Sudan

316. South Africa is the largest exporter of

(a) Silver
(b) Teakwood
(c) Gold
(d) Lead

317. Which is the main industrial activity of Tanzania?

(a) Cloves export
(b) Mining
(c) Oil-based
(d) Sugar/coconut-based

318. Which country is the biggest producer of mercury in the world?

(a) Mexico
(b) Canada
(c) Itlay
(d) Germany

319. With which of the following items is Kimberley associated?

(a) Diamonds
(b) Silver
(c) Perfumes
(d) Cereals

320. In which country are diamonds abundantly found?
(a) Canada
(b) Russia
(c) South Africa
(d) Australia

321. Which of the following pairs are wrong?

(a) Iron Russia                             (b) Mica Japan
(c) Coal USA                               (d) Aluminium USA

322. Seasonal contrast in temperature is minimum in the equatorial region because

(a) Sky is always overcast
(b) Sun is almost vertically overhead throughout the year
(c) Forests prevent sunlight from reaching the ground
(d) Rainfall cool the atmosphere

323. Which one of the following ecosystems covers the largest area of the earth's surface?

(a) Desert Ecosystem
(b) Grassland Ecosystem
(c) Mountain Ecosystem
(d) Marine Ecosystem

324. What happens to tropical soils when the rain forest is cleared?

(a) The soil improves to the extent that soluble nutrients are no longer depleted by the trees
(b) There is little effect on the soil because of its depth of richness
(c) Clearing interrupts the critical nutrient cycle and leads to soil leaching
(d) The soils stabilize and become excellent for grain

325. The factors which determine the climate of a place are:

1. Soil            2. Latitude            3. Altitude                4. Vegetation

(a) 2 only
(b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 3 and 4 only

326. Deciduous trees are those

(a) That grow up straight
(b) That grow plenty in dry places
(c) That never bear fruits
(d) That shed their leaves during a certain season

327. The Black Forest is the name of mountain present in

(a) Canada
(b) the USA
(c) Russia
(d) Germany

328. Which of the following regions gets no rainfall throughout the year?

(a) The Equatorial Region
(b) The Tundra Region
(c) The Himalayan Region
(d) The Mediterranean Region

329. Where was the world's first oil well drilled in the nineteenth century?

(a) Baku in Russia
(b) Titusfills in Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
(c) Digboi in Assam, India
(d) Dhahran in Saudi Arabia

330. Venice in Italy and Vienna in Austria is famous for

(a) Pottery
(b) Glass industry
(c) Chemical industry (d) Textile industry

331. Match the following:
A. Sheffield  1. Germany
B. Detroit     2. England
C. Baku        3. France
D. Munich    4. Azerbaijan
                      5. the U.S.A.

    A B C D          A B C D
(a) 2 5 4 1 (b)     2  4  5  3
(c) 3 5 4 1    (d)  5   1 4  2

332. Which one of the following is a landlocked country?

(a) Bulgaria
(b) Hungary
(c) Romania
(d) Ukraine

333. Which crop is affected by the disease called blast?

(a) Rice
(b) Wheat
(c) Sugarcane (d) Bajra
334. Which of the following practices of cultivation can be referred to as crop rotation?
(a) Different crops in different seasons
(b) Different crops in the same season
(c) The same crop in different seasons
(d) The same crop in different fields

335. Match List I with List-II and select the correct answer by using the codes given below the
List: I                        List II
(Crops)                      (Geographical conditions)

(a) Barley 1. A hot and dry climate with poor soil
(b) Rice
(c) Millets
2. Cool climate with poor soil
3. Warm and moist climate with high altitude
4. Hot and moist climate with rich soil
(d) Tea
A. 2 4 1 3
B. 3 4 1 2
C. 2 1 4 3
D. 3 2 4 1

336. Which one of the following fertilizers contains a high percentage of nitrogen?

(a) Urea
(b) Ammonium nitrate
(c) Ammonium sulfate
(d) Calcium nitrate

337. Which of the following is the correct group of Kharif Crops?

(a) Rice, Millet, Maize, Cotton
(b) Jowar, Bajra, Rice, Cotton, Jute, Gram
(c) Groundnut, Bajra, Barley. Sorghum, Wheat
(d) Wheat, Barley, Gram, Mustard

338. Which country tops the production of coconut in the world?

(a) Bangladesh (b) Sri Lanka
(c) Philippines (d) Indonesia

339. Jute requires a hot, moist climate with an adequate amount of rain and rich soil. Which
country in the world is leading in jute production?

(a) Brazil
(b) India
(c) Thailand
(d) Bangladesh
340. Cocoa is a tropical plant and requires heat and moisture Which of the following countries is leading in cocoa production in
the world?
(a) Brazil
(c) Ghana
(b) Nigeria
(d) Ivory Coast

341. Coffee requires a hot and moist climate and grows best on slopes Which of the following
countries is leading in coffee production?

(a) Indonesia
(b) India
(c) Brazil
(d) Columbia

342. More or less like coffee, tea requires a warm, moist tropical climate and grows well on hill
slopes Which of the following countries is leading in tea production?

(a) India
(b) China
(c) Sri Lanka
(d) Indonesia

343. For which crop. the black volcanic soil and tropical climate are most suitable without
excess rainfall?

(a) Bajra
(b) Tobacco
(c) Cotton
(d) Jute

344. Higher summer temperature stiff soil capable of supporting heavyweight of the plant is essential for

(a) Rubber
(b) Jute
(c) Rice
(d) Maize
345. Which is the largest cotton-producing country in the world?
(a) India
(b) Egypt
(c) China
(d) the USA

346. Wheat is a plant of the temperate zone that grows well on plains away from the sea and
having a moderately dry climate World's maximum production of wheat is obtained from

(a) Australia
(b) China
(c) Canada
(d) Russia

347. Which country leads in the production of barley among the following

(a) China
(b) India
(c) the USA
(d) Canada

348. Groundnut crop is the monopoly of

(a) Indonesia
(b) Bangladesh
(c) Pakistan
(d) India

349. Which of the following countries is known as the Island of Gloves?

(a) Zanzibar
(b) Indonesia
(c) Kenya
(d) the Bahamas

350. Which country has extensive mechanized agriculture and which is the main crop produced in that country?

(a) Australia - Wheat
(b) Soviet Union - Maize
(c) USA - Wheat
(d) North America - Wheat

351. Which continent leads in contribution to the world's rice production to the maximum and

how much?
(a) Australia (50%)                 (b) Africa (42%)
(c) Asia (90%)                         (d) Asia (72%)

352. Tobacco a product of high commercial value these days and which grows under a wide range of climates is a major plantation of

(a) Indian
(b) China
(c) the USA
(d) Pakistan

353. Which two of the following products have great commercial value in Tropical Monsoon

(a) Wheat and Maize         (b) Wheat and Rice
(c) Rice and Tea                (d) Tea and Wheat

354. For which agricultural produce, Sudan is famous and which comes under Tropical Grassland (Savanas) Region?

(a) Coffee
(b) Millets
(c) Barley
(d) Cotton

355. Myanmar whose chief mineral resources comprise silver-lead and tin is engaged in the chief industrial activity of

(a) Tinning black iron for food containers
(b) Tinning export
(c) Rice export
(d) None of these

356. Besides tobacco tea and cotton, which is the other agricultural produce of China?

(a) Maize
(b) Rice
(c) Soyabean (d) Millets

357 Which is the most important crop of the Nile delta?

(a) Sugarcane (b) Maize
(c) Cotton
(d) Millets

358. Which of the following countries is the largest supplier of meat?

(a) Argentina (b) Pakistan
(c) Iran
(d) Arabia

359. Which of the following is the agricultural produce of Taiwan?

(a) Coffee
(b) Maize
(c) Rice
(d) Millets

360. Of all the animal pests that attack crop plants, the most common and which cause the maximum damage are

(a) Birds
(b) Insects
(c) Mice
(d) Rats

361. Which of the following crops is regarded as Cash Crop'?

(a) Cotton
(b) Jute
(c) Tea
(d) All of the above

362. Which one of the following is not a Cash Crop'?

(a) Colton
(b) Groundnut
(c) Sugarcane (d) Wheat

363. Which gas present in the Earth's atmosphere can absorb solar ultraviolet radiation?

(a) Oxygen
(b) Ozone
(c) Carbon dioxide
(d) Nitrogen

364. Among the world's largest cotton-growing countries Pakistan stands at the number

(a) Three
(b) Four
(c) Six
(d) Nine

365. A famous natural bridge is located in

(a) Virginia
(b) Vermont
(c) Maine
(d) Washington

366. The most severe storm is a

(a) Hurricane 
(b) Tornado
(c) Typhone
(d) None of these

367. Galapagos Islands are situated in

(a) Atlantic Ocean (b) Indian ocean
(c) Southern ocean (d) Pacific ocean

368. Eskimos are the primitive people living in

(a) Western Europe             (b) North America
(c) North Asia                    (d) Central Africa

369. Which type of clouds are called, rain clouds

(a) Cumulus
(b) Nimbostratus
(c) Cirrus
(d) None of these

370. A light-year is equal to

(a) 8 46 trillion kilometers
(b) 9 46 trillion kilometers
(c) 10 46 trillion kilometers
(d) None of these

371. Atmospheric pressure at sea level is

(a) 750 mm
(b) 760 mm
(c) 770 mm
(d) None of these

372. The number of Central Asian Republics (CARS) is

(a) Five
(b) Four
(c) Ten
(d) Eight

373. Which types of forest are found in the areas where the rainfall is between 80 degrees to 120 degrees?

(a) Coniferous forest (b) Seasonal forests
(c) Evergreen forests (d) Littoral forest

374. Truck farming is a

(a) Inland fishing (b) Lumbering
(c) Truck manufacturing
(d) Vegetable growing

375. Dogger Bank in the Pacific Ocean is famous for

(a) Fishing ground (b) Forest
(c) Coast
(d) Tourism

376. Ruhr coalfield is situated in

(a) Brazil
(b) Germany
(c) Indonesia (d) South Africa

377. India is the world's largest producer of

(a) Iron ore
(b) Coal
(c) Mica
(d) Copper

378. The concept of heartland was given by

(a) Hanshofer 
(b) Mackinder
(c) Ratzel
(d) None of these

379. The first irrigated forest in Pakistan Changa Manga was established in

(a) 1866
(b) 1890
(c) 1892
(d) 1896

380. Lakhra coalfield is located in

(a) North of Hyderabad
(b) South of Hyderabad
(c) East of Hyderabad
(d) West of Hyderabad

381. Korea Bay lies in

(a) Sea in Japan (b) the East China Sea
(c) Bering sea (d) Yellow sea

382. The height of Lahore from sea level is

(a) 500 feet
(b) 600 feet
(c) 480 feet
(d) 702 feet

383. The height of Islamabad from sea level is

(a) 1800 feet
(b) 2000 feet
(c) 2200 feet
(d) 3000 feet

384. When was the Pakistan-Iran border line demarcated?

(a) 24th September 1872
(b) 24th September 1874
(c) 24th September 1876
(d) 24th September 1878

385. In which country was the first oil well drilled in 1859?

(a) Saudi Arabia (b) USA
(c) Russia
(d) Venezuela

386. A local wind blow from sea to land is

(a) Land breeze (b) Sea Breeze
(c) Sirocco
(d) North breeze

387. What is Sericulture?

(a) Cultivation of fruit (b) Rearing of silkworm
(c) Cultivation of trees
(d) Cultivation of vegetables
388. Speleology is the scientific study of
(a) Soil
(b) Caves
(c) Clouds
(d) Rain

389. Which of the following is a rift valley?

(a) The Amazon Valley
(b) The Thames Valley
(c) The Rhine Valley
(d) None of these

390. What is the diameter of Earth? (PMS 2006)

(a) 10556 Kilometre (b) 12756 Kilometre
(c) 14756 Kilometre (d) 16756 Kilometre

391. in which province of Pakistan Volcano mountains are located?

(a) Punjab
(b) Sindh
(c) Balochistan
(d) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

392. Name the types of forest which account for most of the total forest area in the world

(a) Deciduous forests
(b) Littoral forests
(c) Coniferous forests
(d) Broad-leaved forests
393. Panama Canal is under the control of
(a) Cuba
(b) Panama
(c) the United States of America
(d) the United Kingdom
394. The biggest Hail storm was recorded in 2003 in
(a) India
(c) the UK
(d) Sudan
395. On 11 March 2011, an earthquake magnitude - and subsequent tsunami hit the east of Japan, killing over 14000 and  leaving another 12.000 missing
(a) 6.8
(b) 79
(c) 83
(d) 9.0
396. The nearest part of the atmosphere to earth is called
(a) Stratosphere         (b) Troposphere
(c) tonosphere             (d) Mesosphere
397. Chile has the longest shore along
(a) Atlantic Sea
(b) the Black Sea
(c) the Mediterranean Sea
(d) Pacific Sea

398. Growth Domestic Product in Pakistan is growing at the rate of

(a) 2%
(b) 3.7%
(c) 56%
(d) 7%

399. How far is the Dead Sea below Medeterian?

(a) 250 metres (b) 300 meters
(c) 400 meters (d) 1000 meters

400. Which country has the shortest coastline of 55 km in the world?

(a) Afghanistan 
(b) zimbabwe
(c) Uganda
(d) Monaco

401. Which continent has no desert?

(a) Europe
(b) Australia
(c) Africa
(d) South America

402. Territorial waters traditionally extend for how many kilometers from the coastline of a country?

(a) 35 km
(b) 28 km
(c) 19 km
(d) 46 km

403. State executive economic sone extend for how many kilometers from coastline of a country?

(a) 19 km
(b) 28 km
(c) 46 km
(d) 35 km

404. What is the length of the English Channel?

(a) 625 km
(b) 610 km
(c) 564 km
(d) 550 km

405. Which is the longest commercial ocean in the world?

(a) Pacific
(b) the Arctic
(c) Indian
(d) Atlantic

406. The Mediterranean Sea means

(a) Sea in the middle of the earth
(b) Sea in the middle of oceans.
(c) Sea in the middle of the land
(d) Sea surrounded by islands

407. Why Black sea is so called?

(a) Water appears to be black from air
(b) Visibility in the water is almost nil.
(c) It has black rocks
(d) A dense fog prevails there in winter

408. Seine river is in

(a) Germany (b) England
(c) France
(d) Switzerland

409. Hang He river is in

(a) China
(b) Jawan
(c) Vietnam
(d) Thailand

410. Asia Minor is a geographical expression, a part to

(a) Turkey
(b) Russia
(c) Uzbekistan 
(d) Afghanistan

411. What is the total length of the Suez Canal constructed in 1869?

(a) 193.30 km 
(b) 190 km
(c) 180 km
(d) 160 km
412. Which two seas are linked by Suez Canal?
(a) the Mediterranean and the Red Sea
(b) Indian ocean and Red sea
(c) Indian ocean and Belts Sea
(d) Red sea and the Caribbean
413. The period in which the Suez Canal remains closed after the Arab-Israel war?
(a) 1967-1972 
(b) 1967 1974
(c) 1967-1975 
(d) 1967-1976

414. Which is the second-largest island in the world?

(a) Bosnia
(b) Java
(c) Sumatra
(d) New Guinea

415. Which is the largest island in the world?

(a) Madagascar
(b) Kalalit Nunned Island Greenland
(c) Cuba
(d) Bram

416. Which is the largest island in the Indian Ocean?

(a) Baffin
(b) Borneo
(c) Madagascar (d) Cathy Pacific

417. Which is the longest mountain range in the world?

(a) the Alps
(b) the Andes
(c) Himalaya
(d) the Karakorum

418. The longest and largest river in Asia is

(a) Indus, Pakistan (b) Ganga India
(c) Brahmaputra (d) Yangtze China

419. Name the highest lake in the world located in the Himalayas mountains

(a) Manchhar (b) Panch Pokhri
(c) Leluser
(d) Kechura

420. Which is the longest river in Europe?

(a) Amazon
(b) the Volga
(c) Mississippi (d) Hudson

421. Which is the greatest mountain range in the world?

(a) Rockies
(b) Indus
(c) Himalaya (d) Alps

422. The largest city area-wise is

(a) Bombay
(b) Toronto
(c) New York
(d) Moscow

423. Which is the largest country Arab peninsula?

(a) Syria
(b) Iraq
(c) Qatar
(d) Saudi Arabia

424. Which is the freest economy in the world with the lowest taxis and lack of trade barriers?

(a) UAE
(b) Singapore
(c) Dubai
(d) China

425. The longest frontier is between which countries?

(a) the USA and Canada
(b) Afghanistan and Pakistan
(c) Russia and Azerbaijan
(d) the USA and Mexico

426. The longest mountain range is:

(a) Asia
(b) South America
(c) Europe
(d) Africa

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